Welcome! You have entered [The Great MC Chat] at 7:06 pm [David The Lurker] 7:07 pm: You BETTER meet George Jetson [Matrixx Hedgehog] 7:07 pm: HIs boy Elroy [Toxic] 7:08 pm: Cuz that's actually why I haven't been doing KRUD for almost a month now [Matrixx Hedgehog] 7:08 pm: Ahh [The Great MC Chat]: Toxic has left at 7:14 pm [The Great MC Chat]: Matrixx Hedgehog has left at 7:16 pm [The Great MC Chat]: Yajirobe has entered at 7:20 pm [The Great MC Chat]: Shadyc718 has entered at 7:32 pm [Shadyc718] 7:33 pm: hey [Yajirobe] 7:33 pm: hi [The Great MC Chat]: Shadyc718 has left at 7:34 pm [The Great MC Chat]: Cinossu has left at 7:38 pm [Mightfox] 7:40 pm: ...mmmnf [David The Lurker] 7:40 pm: We need to throw something into the pot. [The Great MC Chat]: Mightfox has left at 7:41 pm [David The Lurker] 7:41 pm: ...ok, who threw Mightfox into the pot? [Yajirobe] 7:42 pm: .o. [Yajirobe] 7:46 pm: I need a stiff drink. Yajirobe doesn't know what a stiff drink is..but he needs one. .o. [The Great MC Chat]: Yajirobe has left at 7:50 pm [The Great MC Chat]: CrazyMrLeo has entered at 8:16 pm [CrazyMrLeo] 8:17 pm: Yo yo yo yo yo yo and yo. [CrazyMrLeo] 8:18 pm: Those were for Gold, SonKnuck, Sofox, Sanius, Nik, Kiddo, and DTL respectively. [Gold] 8:18 pm: Hello. [SonKnuck] 8:18 pm: Yo [David The Lurker] 8:18 pm: Yo-Yo Ball! [David The Lurker] 8:20 pm: I have a question...when did this happen?!: http://www.tbns.net/knuckles/index.html [The Great MC Chat]: CrazyMrLeo has left at 8:21 pm [The Great MC Chat]: CrazyMrLeo has entered at 8:21 pm [CrazyMrLeo] 8:21 pm: Post that link again? [David The Lurker] 8:22 pm: http://www.tbns.net/knuckles/index.html [The Great MC Chat]: Sanius has left at 8:23 pm [David The Lurker] 8:23 pm: It's Knuckles...in CHINA LAND [CrazyMrLeo] 8:23 pm: Big Knuckles in Little China [CrazyMrLeo] 8:23 pm: Also: Missing File or Directory [David The Lurker] 8:24 pm: Oh...there's no l at the end http://www.tbns.net/knuckle s/index.htm [David The Lurker] 8:29 pm: It's China Land! CHINA LAND! After six years...an actual game. PIE [The Great MC Chat]: Sammybeany has entered at 8:31 pm [David The Lurker] 8:32 pm: PIE - I mean, hello [The Great MC Chat]: CrazyMrLeo has left at 8:32 pm [The Great MC Chat]: CrazyMrLeo has entered at 8:32 pm [Gold] 8:33 pm: It's the return of the Leo. Coming this summer. Rated PG-13 for violence and brief nudity. Leo. IS. BACK. [CrazyMrLeo] 8:34 pm: Leo's Revenge II: The Return of Leo's Revenge. [The Great MC Chat]: Squishdiboo has entered at 8:37 pm [Gold] 8:39 pm: Hi. [David The Lurker] 8:39 pm: Welcome to our chat. It's INTENSE... [Squishdiboo] 8:40 pm: My eyes are tired. [Squishdiboo] 8:40 pm: You ever cry and your eyes get all tired and dried out? [Squishdiboo] 8:41 pm: That's the only way I could get to sleep when I was younger. [The Great MC Chat]: Sanius has entered at 8:42 pm [Sanius] 8:42 pm: hi internet [Squishdiboo] 8:42 pm: Hi ye who doth not exist [Squishdiboo] 8:44 pm: meh, I'ma go play banjo-kazooie now [The Great MC Chat]: Blur has entered at 8:45 pm [Blur] 8:45 pm: BOO [Nik Jam III] 8:45 pm: good game [The Great MC Chat]: Squishdiboo has left at 8:45 pm [Blur] 9:02 pm: deadish [David The Lurker] 9:02 pm: deadite [CrazyMrLeo] 9:06 pm: KEEP ON ROCKING IN THE DEAD CHAT [Sanius] 9:07 pm: internet [The Great MC Chat]: CrazyMrLeo has left at 9:11 pm [Gold] 9:12 pm: This chat sucks. [Sanius] 9:15 pm: your mom [Sanius] 9:15 pm: ffs [Gold] 9:16 pm: I wish I understood your crazy letter talk. [The Great MC Chat]: Blur has left at 9:18 pm [Sanius] 9:19 pm: aenjoi' [Sanius] 9:19 pm: tettetett [Sanius] 9:19 pm: tretete [Sanius] 9:19 pm: etetetrete [Sanius] 9:19 pm: etretetete [Sanius] 9:19 pm: eteter [Sanius] 9:19 pm: tetetete [Sanius] 9:19 pm: rtetet [Sanius] 9:19 pm: etretertete [Sanius] 9:19 pm: terte [Sanius] 9:19 pm: etetee [Sanius] 9:19 pm: tttetertre [Sanius] 9:19 pm: ttretre [Sanius] 9:19 pm: tretretretrere [Sanius] 9:19 pm: tretretretreetr [Sanius] 9:19 pm: treetrtrettre [Sanius] 9:20 pm: treretetre [Sanius] 9:20 pm: tretretretretre [Sanius] 9:20 pm: tre [Sanius] 9:20 pm: tretreerte [Sanius] 9:20 pm: trtretretre [Sanius] 9:20 pm: tretre [Sanius] 9:20 pm: tretre [Sanius] 9:20 pm: tretretretre [Sanius] 9:20 pm: tretretretretre [Sanius] 9:20 pm: tretrereret [Sanius] 9:20 pm: tretretretretreetrtre [Sanius] 9:20 pm: rettreteretrtre [David The Lurker] 9:20 pm: tomjones [Sanius] 9:20 pm: tretretretre [Sanius] 9:20 pm: tretretertreetrtre [Sanius] 9:20 pm: treettrerettre [Sanius] 9:20 pm: treteteret [Sanius] 9:20 pm: rerettre [Sanius] 9:20 pm: reetre [Sanius] 9:20 pm: trertetretreetre [Sanius] 9:20 pm: tretretreetr [Gold] 9:20 pm: Yeah, I heard about that too. [Sanius] 9:20 pm: tretttret [Sanius] 9:20 pm: trettete [Sanius] 9:20 pm: etrtretreret [Sanius] 9:20 pm: trtreetrtreetr [Sanius] 9:20 pm: tretetreetr [Sanius] 9:20 pm: tretretree [Gold] 9:20 pm: It's a shame, really. [Sanius] 9:20 pm: tretretrrere [Sanius] 9:20 pm: reteretre [Sanius] 9:20 pm: tretretretretre [Sanius] 9:20 pm: trerer [Sanius] 9:20 pm: tretretr [Sanius] 9:20 pm: eetrtre [Sanius] 9:20 pm: tretrettre [Sanius] 9:20 pm: trtretreetrtretre [Sanius] 9:20 pm: ttre [Sanius] 9:20 pm: trtretreetrt [Sanius] 9:20 pm: etretre [Sanius] 9:20 pm: etretretre [Sanius] 9:20 pm: tretrtretre [Sanius] 9:20 pm: ret [Sanius] 9:20 pm:         [Sanius] 9:21 pm:      [Sanius] 9:21 pm:        [The Great MC Chat]: Eric has entered at 9:32 pm [Sanius] 9:32 pm: jt [Sanius] 9:32 pm: treetetete [Sanius] 9:32 pm: tetrete [Sanius] 9:32 pm: teretetre [Sanius] 9:32 pm: tetertetret [Sanius] 9:33 pm: etetet [Sanius] 9:33 pm: retetetet [Sanius] 9:33 pm: etetete [Sanius] 9:33 pm: trett [Sanius] 9:33 pm: etretretretretre [Sanius] 9:33 pm: teeetet [Sanius] 9:33 pm: etetettret [Sanius] 9:33 pm: my fingers are bleeding now [Eric] 9:33 pm: /ban sanius [Sanius] 9:33 pm: gb2/b [Eric] 9:33 pm: gb2/irc [Sanius] 9:33 pm: gb2/stfu fgooo [Eric] 9:34 pm: loooooooool [The Great MC Chat]: Sanius has left at 9:42 pm [David The Lurker] 9:42 pm: Flashback: http://web.foxcoon.com:250 1/serinthia/STORIES/index.html [The Great MC Chat]: Evan has entered at 9:47 pm [Evan] 9:47 pm: Hiii. [Evan] 9:47 pm: Miss anything, or is it still as dead as ever? [Evan] 9:49 pm: ...Hmm. Seems so. [Evan] 9:49 pm: >_> [Eric] 9:49 pm: in 20 minutes, I've seen Kaede spouting off retardedness and DtL saying one line [Evan] 9:49 pm: Heh. [The Great MC Chat]: Blur has entered at 9:49 pm [David The Lurker] 9:49 pm: But it was such an exciting line! [Evan] 9:49 pm: Well, at last I didn't miss anything. [Evan] 9:50 pm: *LEAST [Evan] 9:50 pm: Agg. [Evan] 9:50 pm: I spent the last two hours playing Ms. Pac-Man. [Evan] 9:50 pm: Hurrah for me. [The Great MC Chat]: Evan has left at 9:50 pm [The Great MC Chat]: Evan has entered at 9:51 pm [The Great MC Chat]: Sofox has left at 9:53 pm [Evan] 9:54 pm: JOIN THE ALCOHOLE PARTY! [The Great MC Chat]: Mr ToRTuRe has entered at 9:57 pm [Evan] 9:57 pm: Hiya. Chat=Dead and whatnot. [Mr ToRTuRe] 9:58 pm: I expected that, but thanks for the info anyway. [Evan] 9:58 pm: ...Yes, I suppose it is predictable. [Evan] 10:03 pm: Tomorrow I will be on here at 7am sharp to report such to everyone who comes between then and 11pm. [Evan] 10:03 pm: Best weekend EVER. [Evan] 10:03 pm: ^_& [Evan] 10:04 pm: o_O Stupid "&" thing. [The Great MC Chat]: Blur has left at 10:11 pm [Gold] 10:16 pm: I remember the good times we used to have in this chat. We were always having fun playing truth or dare, or just making fun of each other's mothers. That's passed...it's time to move on. I know it's hard, but I think with luck, and a lot of heart, we can pull through. [Gold] 10:16 pm: R.I.P. FlashChat. [The Great MC Chat]: Tenniru has entered at 10:16 pm [Evan] 10:16 pm: ...YOU CAN'T KILL FLASHCHAT! I fricking live here! [Evan] 10:16 pm: I DON'T WANNA BE A HOBO. [Tenniru] 10:17 pm: Hi. [Evan] 10:17 pm: Oh, and...Uhh, hi. [Evan] 10:17 pm: >_> [Mr ToRTuRe] 10:17 pm: Actually you can. [Gold] 10:17 pm: Don't jump in the coffin, Evan. [Mr ToRTuRe] 10:17 pm: That way we may actually make you whine less.      [Tenniru] 10:17 pm: Dive into it. [Mr ToRTuRe] 10:17 pm: Hi [Evan] 10:17 pm: ...I have no choice, because I LIVE HERE. [Tenniru] 10:17 pm: The coffin. [Tenniru] 10:17 pm: You could move to #animutation. Evan JUMPS INTO THE COFFIN. ...I had caps lock on? [Tenniru] 10:17 pm: It's just as... place-y... as this is. [Tenniru] 10:18 pm: Except... it's on IRC. [Evan] 10:18 pm: I'm too lazy to get IRC. I HAVE TO DOWNLOAD SOMETHING. GRR. [Mr ToRTuRe] 10:18 pm: Yeah, you could. But your brain would have to go through a blender first, or else you wouldn't quite understand what's happening there. [Mr ToRTuRe] 10:18 pm: ... you don't actually have to get IRC. you have to get mIRC.      [Tenniru] 10:19 pm: Or any other IRC client [Evan] 10:19 pm: ...And killing this chat would just make me whine more on the boards. Whhich I'm sure would be worse. ^_^ [Evan] 10:19 pm: Meh, I really just don't care. [David The Lurker] 10:19 pm: Or you could journey to everyone's house and ask them what they just wrote. [Evan] 10:19 pm: I'm fine sitting in a coffin all day by myself. [Evan] 10:19 pm: Not really much of a difference in my daily activities. [Tenniru] 10:19 pm: You could whine on #animutation. You'll probably get a response. [Mr ToRTuRe] 10:19 pm: You might be right though. [Tenniru] 10:19 pm: It won't make much sense, but it'll be a response. [Eric] 10:19 pm: As long as the coffin has a laptop and a wifi connection. [Tenniru] 10:20 pm: And food [Mr ToRTuRe] 10:20 pm: You seem to have some sort of balance. And if any of these mediums cease to exist... the balance would break. [Evan] 10:20 pm: ...And some air holes. [Tenniru] 10:20 pm: And the world would dissolve into CHAOS. [Mr ToRTuRe] 10:20 pm: A CHAOS FILLED WITH ANGST [Tenniru] 10:20 pm: AND BUTTER [David The Lurker] 10:21 pm: ENRICHED BY THE HEART [Mr ToRTuRe] 10:21 pm: AND CHEESECAKE [Tenniru] 10:21 pm: AND OREGON AND WASHINGTON [Tenniru] 10:21 pm: AND MICHIGAN [Evan] 10:21 pm: ...Hey, you did notice that saying the chat was dead brought it back to life? For a few minutes? [Tenniru] 10:21 pm: AND THEN IT'LL GO TO WASHINGTON DC TO TAKE BA-*shot* [Mr ToRTuRe] 10:21 pm: Yes, until I shut up. [Mr ToRTuRe] 10:22 pm: Since I'm clearlyu the center of the universe here right now. [Evan] 10:22 pm: We'll go back to laying our corpses down momentarily, but yeah. [Evan] 10:22 pm: Yeah, you clearlyu are. [Eric] 10:22 pm: brb, having this loaded sucks when browsing /f/ [The Great MC Chat]: Eric has left at 10:22 pm Evan is a Grammar God. [Tenniru] 10:22 pm: YOU MUST BE DENSE THEN *killed* [Tenniru] 10:22 pm: I'm a nerd at my core. I couldn't resist. [Mr ToRTuRe] 10:23 pm: Even more dense than water. [The Great MC Chat]: Kulock has entered at 10:23 pm [Mr ToRTuRe] 10:23 pm: And that is... really dense. [Tenniru] 10:23 pm: IT'S THE POPE [David The Lurker] 10:23 pm: It's our fearless leader! [Evan] 10:23 pm: JOHN PAUL THE SECOND? *Shot* [Mr ToRTuRe] 10:24 pm: I actually found that picture the other day. [Tenniru] 10:24 pm: brb Kulock fears the Lurker. [Mr ToRTuRe] 10:24 pm: iwbbssy [The Great MC Chat]: Mr ToRTuRe has left at 10:25 pm [Evan] 10:25 pm: Don't fear the lurker. [Evan] 10:25 pm: ... [David The Lurker] 10:25 pm: I am the lurker - you never know just where I am. I could be RIGHT BEHIND YOU! [David The Lurker] 10:25 pm: ...or not. [The Great MC Chat]: Tenniru has left at 10:25 pm [Kulock] 10:26 pm: Augh! You've already taken out Tenniru! I'm next, I just know it. ;_; [Evan] 10:26 pm: XD [David The Lurker] 10:27 pm: Who said I took out Tenniru? [Evan] 10:27 pm: ...I laugh at anything. David The Lurker tries to hide Tenniru's corpse [David The Lurker] 10:27 pm: There's nothing here! It's all in your head. [Kulock] 10:27 pm: You hid the body in my head!? AUGH! [David The Lurker] 10:28 pm: I figured it was the one place you wouldn't think to look. [Kulock] 10:29 pm: ...Good thought, I really can't look back there without a mirror or something. [The Great MC Chat]: Eric has entered at 10:29 pm [Kulock] 10:29 pm: 'lo there, Eric. [Eric] 10:30 pm: Hai [David The Lurker] 10:30 pm: Hello Eric...whatever Kulock tells you about Tenniru...it's a lie. [Eric] 10:31 pm: I think I trust Kulock more than I trust Tenniru. [Evan] 10:31 pm: I'd say something, but I'm liking where this is going. [David The Lurker] 10:31 pm: I don't know about that - I mean, dead men tell no tales. [David The Lurker] 10:32 pm: Did I say dead? I mean - Look, PIE! [Kulock] 10:32 pm: Really? Then.. Fact: Tenniru is trying to steal your feet. Guard them with your sole. [Gold] 10:32 pm: Try the veal, everybody. David The Lurker stares at the veal [David The Lurker] 10:33 pm: Is it still alive? [Gold] 10:34 pm: No, that's just the veal settling. [David The Lurker] 10:34 pm: Hmm....but is it safe to eat? [Gold] 10:35 pm: It's not getting any safer. [David The Lurker] 10:36 pm: I see your point. [David The Lurker] 10:39 pm: So...who wants to take the first bite? I would, but I'm the lurker - I'm supposed to stand in the corner and stare at everyone. [Kulock] 10:40 pm: I'm not brave. [The Great MC Chat]: Bullockfrombatman has entered at 10:40 pm [David The Lurker] 10:41 pm: A-ha! Bullockfrombatman! You must be the first to try the veal. [Gold] 10:41 pm: So, uh...anything coming up on the...front? [The Great MC Chat]: Yajirobe has entered at 10:43 pm [Yajirobe] 10:43 pm: bullock, you there? [Bullockfrombatman] 10:43 pm: Yes [Yajirobe] 10:44 pm: ok. [Bullockfrombatman] 10:44 pm: with my trust DY [Yajirobe] 10:44 pm: you suck. [Bullockfrombatman] 10:44 pm: TRUSTY [Yajirobe] 10:44 pm: i'm not sure what to say.. [Yajirobe] 10:44 pm: what are they talking about down there? [Bullockfrombatman] 10:44 pm: Smoking [Yajirobe] 10:45 pm: I replied to your topic. [Bullockfrombatman] 10:45 pm: let me check [Yajirobe] 10:46 pm: this is a big monitor..i want to eat it, bullock. [Bullockfrombatman] 10:46 pm: do it for      [Yajirobe] 10:46 pm:         [Evan] 10:47 pm: ...       [Bullockfrombatman] 10:47 pm: are we the only ones here [Bullockfrombatman] 10:47 pm: nv [Yajirobe] 10:47 pm: hi evan. no. [Kulock] 10:47 pm: Nope. [Gold] 10:47 pm: Yes. [Evan] 10:47 pm: ...I'm just DANCING. [Bullockfrombatman] 10:47 pm: ok [Evan] 10:47 pm: ;_; [Yajirobe] 10:48 pm: we might have to switch computers..it's only a matter of time before this chair breaks. [Bullockfrombatman] 10:49 pm: i know [Yajirobe] 10:49 pm: because you're a racist. [Bullockfrombatman] 10:49 pm: a little [Yajirobe] 10:49 pm: just a little. [Bullockfrombatman] 10:50 pm: not too much [Yajirobe] 10:51 pm: shut up, and support your country. [Bullockfrombatman] 10:51 pm:       [Yajirobe] 10:52 pm: that's my girl. [Kulock] 10:52 pm: But is it not better to support the world, instead?      [Bullockfrombatman] 10:52 pm: f u [Yajirobe] 10:52 pm: moogle has a point..but it's funner to use the flag. [Bullockfrombatman] 10:53 pm: no [Kulock] 10:53 pm: Too true. I shall concede. [Yajirobe] 10:53 pm: ali wants you to come upstairs. [Bullockfrombatman] 10:53 pm: no [Yajirobe] 10:53 pm: ok [Bullockfrombatman] 10:54 pm: no [The Great MC Chat]: Gold has left at 10:54 pm [The Great MC Chat]: Gold has entered at 10:54 pm [Bullockfrombatman] 10:54 pm: Gold [Yajirobe] 10:55 pm: somebody moved your post to fluff. they're quick. .o. [Yajirobe] 10:55 pm: hi gold. [Gold] 10:55 pm: Hi. [Bullockfrombatman] 10:55 pm: Goldy Han Solo [Yajirobe] 10:56 pm: this isn't as fun as i thought it would be. [Bullockfrombatman] 10:56 pm: Thats Gold [Yajirobe] 10:56 pm: bullock type "/me is an idiot" [Bullockfrombatman] 10:56 pm: Yaj is an idiot [Yajirobe] 10:56 pm: no. [Yajirobe] 10:56 pm: I am your master.. [Yajirobe] 10:57 pm: and commander. [Evan] 10:57 pm: ...What was the subtitle to that movie again? [Evan] 10:57 pm: >_< [Yajirobe] 10:57 pm: umm... [David The Lurker] 10:57 pm: The far side of the world? [Yajirobe] 10:58 pm: i was about to say that. [Yajirobe] 11:01 pm: umm..i hear somebody reading down there. [Evan] 11:02 pm: You can hear people reading? [Yajirobe] 11:02 pm: yes. [The Great MC Chat]: Evan has left at 11:03 pm [David The Lurker] 11:07 pm: He couldn't handle the fact that you could hear him. [Yajirobe] 11:08 pm: i was talking to bullock actually. [Yajirobe] 11:08 pm: he's in my basement. [Bullockfrombatman] 11:08 pm: yes [Bullockfrombatman] 11:08 pm: can i have some food and heat [David The Lurker] 11:08 pm: Well...Evan couldn't handle it. I never defined just who head who, did I? [Bullockfrombatman] 11:08 pm: its dark down here [Yajirobe] 11:08 pm: i'm upstairs. [Yajirobe] 11:08 pm: bullock is on the bottom. i'm on top. [The Great MC Chat]: Evan has entered at 11:08 pm [Evan] 11:09 pm: *Yawn* [Yajirobe] 11:09 pm: wb [David The Lurker] 11:09 pm: KidsWB [Yajirobe] 11:09 pm: wb 22 for me. [Evan] 11:09 pm: I'LL BE WATCHING THAT TOMORROW. [Bullockfrombatman] 11:09 pm: yaj is on the wagon [Yajirobe] 11:10 pm: i'm off the wagon! [Yajirobe] 11:10 pm: bullock.. [Yajirobe] 11:10 pm: i want to say buck futter. [The Great MC Chat]: NelsonJ has entered at 11:12 pm [NelsonJ] 11:12 pm: Hello. [Evan] 11:12 pm: Hi. [The Great MC Chat]: Bullockfrombatman has left at 11:12 pm [The Great MC Chat]: Bullockfrombatman has entered at 11:12 pm [Yajirobe] 11:12 pm: hi nik. [NelsonJ] 11:12 pm: I noticed Squishi hasn't returned to this particular location yet. :P [Yajirobe] 11:12 pm: or..nelson. [Bullockfrombatman] 11:13 pm: can i say DY357Magnum [Yajirobe] 11:13 pm: no. [Bullockfrombatman] 11:13 pm: or DY357Magnum-LX [David The Lurker] 11:13 pm: I am sorry NelsonJ, but you are incorrect in your assumption [Yajirobe] 11:13 pm: what did they laugh at? [NelsonJ] 11:13 pm: Oh? [David The Lurker] 11:13 pm: She was here but three hours ago [Bullockfrombatman] 11:13 pm: Talkinggun [NelsonJ] 11:13 pm: Did she drop by earlier? [NelsonJ] 11:13 pm: Ah [Bullockfrombatman] 11:13 pm: FryingPan [NelsonJ] 11:14 pm: So it's basically Blues who's sticking with this? [David The Lurker] 11:14 pm: I suppose so. [NelsonJ] 11:14 pm: :P [NelsonJ] 11:14 pm: That's kinda stupid. [Bullockfrombatman] 11:14 pm: BUCK FUTTER [Yajirobe] 11:14 pm: good call. [NelsonJ] 11:15 pm: Staying away even though the person who he left with in the first place is still here. :P [Evan] 11:15 pm: ...I am such a sad little boy for thinking "Buck Tuddrussel" upon first seeing that. [David The Lurker] 11:15 pm: I know. I'd be surprised if he stayed away for much longer. [Bullockfrombatman] 11:15 pm: analbumcover [Yajirobe] 11:15 pm:      [NelsonJ] 11:15 pm: I thought Celebrity Jeopardy. :P [NelsonJ] 11:15 pm: And Sean Connery. [The Great MC Chat]: NeroMan has entered at 11:16 pm [NelsonJ] 11:16 pm: And Alex Trebek. [NelsonJ] 11:16 pm: you know what I mean. [Bullockfrombatman] 11:16 pm: WhoreSemen [NeroMan] 11:16 pm: NeroMan [NelsonJ] 11:16 pm: Horse Men [Yajirobe] 11:16 pm: Nerocan [Yajirobe] 11:16 pm: hi nero [Gold] 11:16 pm: NeroMan, how are things on the front? [NeroMan] 11:16 pm: Tajirbaloney [NelsonJ] 11:16 pm: Hor, like your mother, semen. [NeroMan] 11:16 pm: I'm going to florida, tomorrow [NeroMan] 11:17 pm: so [NeroMan] 11:17 pm: I won't be posting as muck [NelsonJ] 11:17 pm: Ok. Yajirobe won't be posting as muck either [David The Lurker] 11:17 pm: But will you still be posting as NeroMan? [Yajirobe] 11:17 pm: i'll be posting as yajirobe though. [Bullockfrombatman] 11:17 pm: FamousTitties [NeroMan] 11:17 pm: no I wo't be posting any anybody except as kulock [Bullockfrombatman] 11:17 pm: *Titles [Yajirobe] 11:18 pm: that sounds fair. [Bullockfrombatman] 11:18 pm: that sounds fat. [David The Lurker] 11:18 pm: But who will Kulock post as? [Yajirobe] 11:18 pm: stop putting words into my mouth. [Bullockfrombatman] 11:18 pm: Should i put food? [The Great MC Chat]: Blur has entered at 11:18 pm [Yajirobe] 11:19 pm: yes. [NeroMan] 11:19 pm: kulock will post as geisha jeanette [Gold] 11:19 pm: He still has that Princess K account. [Yajirobe] 11:19 pm: .o. [David The Lurker] 11:19 pm: So, if Princess K and Geisha Jeanette are one and the same... [David The Lurker] 11:20 pm: ...what does that mean for the cavern? [Yajirobe] 11:20 pm: dy [Yajirobe] 11:20 pm: are there any floppy discs down there? [Blur] 11:20 pm: I have concluded there are two types of eek: Bloody eek, and just..eek. [Bullockfrombatman] 11:20 pm: 357 [Blur] 11:20 pm: Examples of each: [Bullockfrombatman] 11:20 pm: Magnum [Blur] 11:21 pm: Bloody eek: Think of Event Horizon. That was bloody eek. [Yajirobe] 11:21 pm: DY357Magnum, do you see a floppy disc? [Blur] 11:21 pm: Just...eek: Latest battlestar galactica episode. [Evan] 11:21 pm: Princess K? Heh. Haven't heard much talk of him/her in a looooonnnng time. Hahaha. [Evan] 11:21 pm: Uhh. [Evan] 11:21 pm: Annnnywho. [Evan] 11:21 pm: I think I'm leaving for awhile. [NeroMan] 11:21 pm: even how long have you been an mc'er? [NeroMan] 11:21 pm: evan stevan [Yajirobe] 11:21 pm: if you do..then you're in good company. [Yajirobe] 11:22 pm: i'm coming down there. [Evan] 11:22 pm: Me? I was here in 2000, possibly earlier, stuck around for 2 years, left after un-registered members weren't allowed and I didn't want to make an account. [Bullockfrombatman] 11:22 pm: You will return [Evan] 11:23 pm: Annnnywho. I'll probably be back later, just...Going for whatever. [The Great MC Chat]: Evan has left at 11:23 pm [Yajirobe] 11:23 pm: bullock..might be getting hungry. [The Great MC Chat]: Sanius has entered at 11:27 pm [Yajirobe] 11:28 pm: hi [The Great MC Chat]: Sanius has left at 11:29 pm [The Great MC Chat]: Sanius has entered at 11:29 pm [Yajirobe] 11:29 pm: Kulock likes bagels. [David The Lurker] 11:29 pm: Happy bagels? [Bullockfrombatman] 11:29 pm: and DY [Yajirobe] 11:29 pm: He just likes bagels. [The Great MC Chat]: Evan has entered at 11:38 pm [Yajirobe] 11:38 pm: wb. [Yajirobe] 11:39 pm: This chat has been dead lately. [Evan] 11:39 pm: No duh, Sherlock. [Yajirobe] 11:39 pm: No SHIT sherlock. [Evan] 11:40 pm: ...I've been Yajirowned. *Whacked* [The Great MC Chat]: Bullockfrombatman has left at 11:40 pm [David The Lurker] 11:40 pm: But the question is - why? Look to you right. There are fourteen people here! [NeroMan] 11:40 pm: ... [NeroMan] 11:40 pm: kulock should make me a mod [Yajirobe] 11:41 pm: no, nero. you should continue to pretend to be a mod. it's funny. [NeroMan] 11:41 pm: I intend to [Sammybeany] 11:41 pm: Owned. [NeroMan] 11:42 pm: what? [NeroMan] 11:42 pm: ther ewas no owning [NeroMan] 11:42 pm: sammy get back to licking yo'self clean [Yajirobe] 11:45 pm: Fruit loops are tastey. [Evan] 11:46 pm: *Yawn* [Yajirobe] 11:47 pm: hey..how do i check my graphics card? [The Great MC Chat]: Yajirobe has left at 11:48 pm [The Great MC Chat]: Yajirobe has entered at 11:49 pm [Kulock] 11:51 pm: Open the Run command box, and type dxdiag , I believe. [The Great MC Chat]: NeroMan has left at 11:51 pm [Kulock] 11:52 pm: Should be on the Display tab. [Yajirobe] 11:52 pm: ok.. [The Great MC Chat]: Evan has left at 11:53 pm [Kulock] 11:53 pm: Do you need to check it as in test it, or just see what brand/model you have? [Yajirobe] 11:53 pm: umm [Yajirobe] 11:53 pm: it says it will download stuff. [Yajirobe] 11:53 pm: i just want to see what it is. i just got a new computer. [Kulock] 11:54 pm: DXDiag? It doesn't have to. [Kulock] 11:54 pm: That's just to check digital signatures. Not really important for what you need, I think. [Yajirobe] 11:54 pm: oh.. [Yajirobe] 11:55 pm: i don't see a graphics tab. [Kulock] 11:56 pm: Not Graphics, Display [Kulock] 11:56 pm: Third one over at the top, after DirectX [Yajirobe] 11:56 pm: ok [Kulock] 11:57 pm: Got it? The info should be listed in the Device box, name, manufacturer, and such. [The Great MC Chat]: Evan has entered at 11:57 pm [Yajirobe] 11:57 pm: yeah..i got it. i'm not sure what any of it means. [The Great MC Chat]: Sammybeany has left at 11:59 pm [Kulock] 11:59 pm: Well, you asked to see what video card you have in your new PC, it shows it there. [Kulock] 11:59 pm: Maker, type, how much memory it has... [Kulock] 12:00 am: Off to eat, BBS. [Evan] 12:03 am: Hahaha. http://www.googlewar.com/search.cfm?q1=May+henta i&q2=Hilary+Duff+porn [The Great MC Chat]: Blur has left at 12:04 am [The Great MC Chat]: Gold has left at 12:07 am [The Great MC Chat]: CyStorm has entered at 12:08 am [CyStorm] 12:08 am: I got kidnapped tonight! [CyStorm] 12:08 am: it was fun [Evan] 12:08 am: ...o_o [David The Lurker] 12:08 am: By who, if you are allowed to say? [CyStorm] 12:09 am: friends [CyStorm] 12:09 am: for my birthday :P [CyStorm] 12:09 am: blindfolded and handcuffed for... I dunno, 45 minutes at least? [Eric] 12:09 am: kinky [Eric] 12:09 am: were your parents involved? [CyStorm] 12:10 am: haha [CyStorm] 12:10 am: nope [Evan] 12:10 am: Cool. [CyStorm] 12:10 am: but they're gonna ask tomorrow when they come out to visit what all the red marks on my wrists [The Great MC Chat]: Mightfox has entered at 12:10 am [Mightfox] 12:10 am: 'ey. [Evan] 12:11 am: Hiya Mightfox. [CyStorm] 12:11 am: my eye hurts, for some reason. >:X [Evan] 12:11 am: God, I am bored beyond belief. [Eric] 12:11 am: "You're cutting yourself, aren't you? *sob* Oh Justin, who knew that beating you as a child would make you resort to this..." [CyStorm] 12:11 am: hahaha [CyStorm] 12:11 am: of course [Evan] 12:11 am: I'm doing a bunch of Googlewars. Currently "TaeshiLH" vs. "Soccer moms". God only know why. [The Great MC Chat]: Sammybeany has entered at 12:12 am [Mightfox] 12:12 am: 'ey Sammy [Sammybeany] 12:12 am: Hey. :\ [CyStorm] 12:13 am: :O? [CyStorm] 12:13 am: S'wrong? [Mightfox] 12:13 am: You always come in here with a frown, dont you? [Nik Jam III] 12:13 am: Hey where's the ladies [The Great MC Chat]: NelsonJ has left at 12:14 am [Sammybeany] 12:14 am: Oh, I'm fine. I guess. :| [Eric] 12:14 am: http://www.soylentsystems.com/s2o-2-25.wmv - why isn't stuff like this on "World's Wildest Police Chases"? :| [Mightfox] 12:18 am: Well..ouch. [Evan] 12:18 am: *Yaaawn* If I randomly log off, I'm staying off, just so you know. [CyStorm] 12:18 am: because you touch yourself at night. [Mightfox] 12:18 am: 'kay, Evan. [The Great MC Chat]: Cinossu has entered at 12:19 am [Mightfox] 12:20 am: 'ey Cinossu [Cinossu] 12:20 am: hey [Mightfox] 12:23 am: ..well, I'll go back to playing BiA now.:O [Evan] 12:24 am: Myahhh [The Great MC Chat]: Mightfox has left at 12:24 am [The Great MC Chat]: Evan has left at 12:25 am [The Great MC Chat]: Nik Jam III has left at 12:25 am [The Great MC Chat]: Nik Jam III has entered at 12:28 am [Nik Jam III] 12:29 am: ... [David The Lurker] 12:29 am: We are not dead. We are merely invisible [Eric] 12:30 am: LURKING, you might say, hmmmm? [Eric] 12:30 am: Hmmmmmmmm? [Eric] 12:30 am: ... [David The Lurker] 12:30 am: ...yes, you can say that. [Eric] 12:30 am: (anti-climax) [David The Lurker] 12:31 am: ...why didn't I think of that? [Eric] 12:31 am: I don't know. Why _didn't_ you? [Eric] 12:31 am: HMMMMMMMM? Eric is smacked with a grouper. [David The Lurker] 12:32 am: Umm....errr....the babysitter made me do it! [Eric] 12:32 am: "Oh, the babysitter, it was all the babysitter's fault!" [Eric] 12:33 am: You really think your parents are going to believe that? [Eric] 12:33 am: Just wait til your father gets home, young man. [David The Lurker] 12:33 am: But...I'm their flesh and blood! The babysitter is only hired help! [The Great MC Chat]: Cinossu has left at 12:34 am [Eric] 12:34 am: But perhaps she's done her homework. [David The Lurker] 12:35 am: Uh-oh....looks like this discussion is a moot point. [David The Lurker] 12:36 am: Don't tell mom...but the babysitter's dead! [David The Lurker] 12:37 am: ...I didn't do it. [CyStorm] 12:41 am: my bed is calling for me [CyStorm] 12:41 am: sleep before midnight ona Friday night... cripes [The Great MC Chat]: CyStorm has left at 12:43 am