The Moogle Cavern! Now with cheesy 3D!

Kupoppo! Welcome back! The Moogle Cavern's been a little slow on updating recently, but now I can finally devote more of my time toward the page! As you can see above, the Moogle Cavern now sports:
*Forced* Whoa. Look out.
Cheesy 3D Effects!

Whoa! Look out! ...Ha! Hope I didn't scare you.

Oh, you scare us alright, just not with the animated gif...

Uhmn, yes, well, ahem... ^.^ On to revisions! The Moogle Cavern's getting a minor makeover (an even major one will come later, check for a new poll soon, and _no_, it won't be about the counter anymore. ;>), and the sections are being retouched. That said, no section was dropped. Instead, a section was added! You can check out what it's about in the table below.

Also, I'll be adding and revising several things this page hasn't seen before. One'll be a FAQ, so you can know what the kupo's going on. ^.^ Other revisions include Sonic Curiousities, improved SS3 FAQ, and some other surprises I won't name here. ^.^

Thanks for coming back! On to the information:

What's New/The Moogle Cavern FAQ/The Requests Page/The Voting Center
The SlayersN/AThe Slayers information and multimedia.
Role Playing GamesN/AConsole RPG info and multimedia.
CapcomN/ACapcom game fandom. (Mega Man, Versus, etc.)
Sega and SonicN/ASonic Adventure, NiGHTS, hoaxes, and more.
PokémonN/APokémon fandom.
Mario Mania and MiscellaniaN/AMario Mania and Miscellania.
The SS3 ProjectN/AA project to animate a SatAM episode.
Webrings and LinksN/AGo on, take a guess. ^.^

Forgive the lack of pages up. ^.^ Expect some great additions soon, however!

Last Updated: 5/8/99

The Slayers Role Playing Games Capcom Sega and Sonic Pokémon Mario Mania and Miscellania The SS3 Project Webrings and Links