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Author, Story and Article Links:

Neo Sonic the Webhog
Fellow Rabbot fan and SS3 co-conspirator, ol' Jim Doe's proven himself to be an excellent writer, faithfully capturing both the normal Sonic SatAMverse dead-on, as well as successfully writing his own variants. Have you ever pondered an alternate history where young Bunnie was saved from the fall of Mobotropolis... by none other than Nack the Weasel?

Shattered Moonlight
Jamie Swiftrunner's site, she's not only a talented artist. I admit I haven't yet checked out a great deal of her writing, but she shared an early version of a fanfic with me a little while back that had me impressed. It had to do with very current events in the Sonic comic, and a hint that was dropped earlier by the editorial staff that hasn't surfaced yet in the plot.

Daniel J. Drazen's Sonic Page
Dan Drazen probably has the honor of being the oldest well-known Sonic fan on the net, and he couples that with a talent for writing to produce short stories and reviews of Archie Sonic comics often more entertaining than the comics themselves. Check "The Knothole Knews" for the latter. Yes, it is current.

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