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Music Links:

Digital Serenade Zone
Arrow has quite the musical talent, particularly in replicating famous game music in MIDI format. These aren't plinky "I-ran-them-through-a-GYM-converter" rush-jobs, if your MIDI card is up to it, you'll quite enjoy listening to some of these.

Gaming World
Free, original music, specifically designed for you to put into your games. It's not a huge collection, but anything helps.

Gaming World
Remakes and remixes of classic and current game music. Some of the artists don't wish to have their works reused in fan projects, though, so check the MIDI's info file to see if the composer says one way or the other.

OverClocked ReMix
I remember when OverClocked used to be a comic... ;_; All well, fond memories aside, this has some absolutely rocking game music remixes. In some cases, they're practically rewrites. Your MP3 player will never go lonely again!

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