The Mario/Nintendo Mailing List
Mario List Files

     A page dedicated to mailing list I maintain.

     You see, I hunted about, trying to find some place where fans could discuss Mario fandom. Not many were found. With the invent of an internet service called "Coollist", Mailing List creation was a breeze! ...At first.

     Coollist worked well for a while, but people complained about being unable to send letters from certain addresses, receiving errors. Mixed with bouts of downtime, lag, and other problems, finally it was decided to move the Mailing List away from Coollist.

     Finally, a new service was found! eGroups has since worked perfectly, and offers a number of features. The list can finally reopen. ^_^

     The list is generally reguarding general Nintendo fandom (new games, discussion of events, etc., maybe a special code or two). Focus on fandoms are welcome, including Zelda, Mario, Pokémon, and Metroid. Basically anything Nintendo is fine, however. All I ask is just a few guidelines:
  • Try to at least relate to Nintendo in some aspect (crossovers, sightings of Nintendo stuff, etc. are fine).
  • Please use little profanity. I doubt there will be any problem with this, but basically, don't send any flamebait messages.
  • Try to not flood us with every little news story, however, this list is used for discussion, so feel free when you feel it is important.
  • Binaries (such as MIDIs, WAVs, pictures, et cetera) can be accepted, but in an indirect way... please see below.
  • This list is not moderated. This means I expect you to behave yourself. If you act up in a way that I or others find insulting or annoying, I will give you a warning or two, and if you still continue, I will unsubscribe you from the list.

     Sorry to be lengthy, but I wanted to outline some points clearly. Please try to adhere to these, because it makes the list more enjoyable for everyone.

     Below is a list of suggested links Nintendo fans might enjoy:
        GameSages: Cure for the Common Code
        Nintendo of America

     Now, about those files. No, please don't send them directly to the list. We've discovered they now do convert into a more usable e-mail format, but still, we are wary of using it (because of lag and whatnot.) The solution? I'm making up a List file archive for those who want to share files with other members. What will happen is you will send the file to, and in the letter include some general information about it, such as the full filename, and what it's supposed to be. ^.^ Afterward, you can send a letter to the list describing your file, and mention it will be avaible in the Mario List Archive in one or two days (or withhold you letter for a day). This seems like a large lag time, but it really isn't, besides, I can't "catch" the letters to fill in the URL like I could when it was moderated, so this procedure is necessary.

     What's forbidden? For now, simply commercial ROMs. Now that I am based in Matrixcubed, I have a much larger storage space, and can accept more complex files, but I ask within reason (please do not send 1 Meg BMPs, especially if they convert well to GIF or JPG format). I hope this works out as a good compromise. ^.^ The current archive is available by the logo, click the link to see what I'm come up with (if you can suggest better, please let me know.)

     Still here? Good.

     Now that you've stumbled through all that blather, on to the main purpose of this page. If you wish to subscribe to the list, simply enter your e-mail address into the box below:

Subscribe to The Nintendo/Mario Mailing List
Mario/Nintendo List Message Archive

     Quite simple, neh?

     I would really appreciate any linking to this page, or the Moogle Cavern in general. ^.^ Anything is fine, but to help you out I have supplied 3 graphics and an example setup.

Logo Graphics have been moved here for quicker loading.

     Gift art for the logo is needed fairly badly ;>. I'm trying, but I'm no artist. Any donations would probably get you a link, and a little paragraph of worship under the picture. ;>

     And here's an example link.

Want to join the list? Click here for info!

     But like I said, anything's fine. Any logo art you might wish to donate can be sent to the address at the bottom, if you feel you have something more appropriate. Or quite simply better. ;>

     Thanks for reading!
Last Updated: 5/15/01

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