Gbzap101's Hoaxes
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Wow! I wonder what they're going to do in this picture?COMING SOON8/5/99
Mecha Sonic and Sonic fight in a changed Sky Sanctuary, complete with slightly-off floor (the blue to the left) and weird thing in the background I was told was a platform. Uhmn, yeah.
Tails alone? Sonic must've met the ray. ^_^COMING SOON9/6/99
A new hazard in the Sonic Cracker/Stadium beta?
Wahoo! Sprite battles!COMING SOON9/6/99
Knuckles, in a pose I'm not familiar with (but I like), takes on Mecha Sonic. Very good. ^_^
Wait, maybe this links up with the Proto in Wing Fortress hoax. ^_^ It'd be an interesting hack.COMING SOON9/6/99
Mega Man runs through Hill Top Zone. Look out for the Batton!...ton...ton...(okay, so I'm a little foggy on the enemy name. ;>) Very good, barring the hard to read lives name.
How does he fit in the Pokéball?COMING SOON9/6/99
Sonic fights a Diglett in Pokémon! (Updated)
Oops, can't use that caption much more...COMING SOON9/6/99
Tails gets a Pokédex screen. Tails doesn't look bad. (Updated)
Welcome to Powerstone War!COMING SOON9/6/99
Sonic is enveloped in a beam of energy just before the match starts. Slight miscoloration below Mecha Sonic, but still not bad.
Oh, so it IS a platform...COMING SOON9/6/99
Sonic and Sonic (split personality!) battle on an icy platform.
Well, it is pretty big... ^_^
Good thing Tails is going to... fall... into him...COMING SOON10/12/99
It's another Sonic fighting level... is Robotnik wearing a tie? O_o

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Last Updated: 1/27/00

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