Sonic Team
Hoaxing FAQ
This is a FAQ page, detailing various information about Sonic Team Hoaxing. Read at your own dange-er...enjoyment. ^.^ This is actually required viewing for anyone wishing to submit hoaxes to the website, it sets the guidelines for this archive.
New to hoaxing in general? Haven't got a clue how to make one? Well, hopefully this FAQ will get you a step in the right generation. It's by no means universal (ideas and paint programs vary ;D), but hopefully it'll convey general concepts applicable to many situations. Concurrently aforementioned whereupon therefore. There, used up my big words for the day. ;> Anyway, if your question isn't answered by this FAQ, feel free to drop me a line, and I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible.
Here's a "Quick Jump" list of links, you can use it to jump straight to the question you wish to learn about:
1) What is a hoax?
2) What's the point of hoaxing?
3) Does a hoax have to involve only Sonic objects/places?
4) Why aren't there more Sonic Jam/Adventure/R hoaxes?
5) Okay, I'm game. How do I start hoaxing?
6) What's the level of content I should put in my hoaxes?
7) You haven't posted my hoax in 60 seconds after I sent it! Are you dead?
8) Gee, Mr. Kulock, those are some neat-o keen spiffy animated hoaxes you made. How'd you do 'em?
9) You promised you'd fill us in on the icons!
10) May I "sign" my hoaxes?
11) Why did you deny one of my hoaxes?
1) What is a hoax?
Thank you general question person! ^.^ A "hoax" is a picture (or, in a broader basis, a piece of multimedia) designed to resemble a situation that doesn't currently exist. For example, say you've always wanted to have Metal Sonic playable in Sonic CD. You could make up a hoax showing that, and share it with your friends and other Sonic fans. Or, heck, just if you want to be silly. Many hoaxes aren't serious.
2) What's the point of hoaxing?
It may seem silly at first, after all, it doesn't accomplish much, right? But you have to remember, most Sonic fans do it for fun. ^.^ Some people share ideas on new levels for Sonic games (such as "Mecha Green Hill Zone" or "Knuckles CD"). Others wish certain characters were playable and sets up those situations ("Amy in Death Egg" and "Metal's Doomsday" for instance). Some like to test other Sonic fans' trivia knowledge by using obscure references or changes (different lampposts, palmtrees, badniks, that sort of thing). And still others do it just to be silly. ^.^ We do it because we're Sonic fans and we get a kick out of it. ^.^ Plus, it does advance our artistic abilities, ne?
3) Does a hoax have to involve only Sonic objects/places?
No. In fact, many fans cross over their favorite characters to Sonic scenes, or vice versa. For instance, I created one involving Protoman in Sonic 2's Wing Fortess. Andy V'Ner made one of Vectorman in Sonic 2's Metropolis Zone. Also, a hoax can not involve Sonic at all. I encourange NiGHTS hoaxes, and still others like using Kirby or Mario, and some others even redo box art or cartridge labels. And to them I say, "Whatever you get a kick out of." ^.^ Sonic is typically hoaxed because his games offered a plethora of artwork and scenes, which were both very detailed, and yet simplistic in style, giving just the right amount of challenge without being overbearing. Also, it is widely known many aspects were cut out of the various Sonic games, so hoaxes regard it are "more credible." ;>
However, that is not to say hoaxes of other games do not exist, such as of Nintendo or Capcom games. They may get their own section provided some arragements go through.
4) Why aren't there more Sonic Jam/Adventure/R hoaxes?
Doing Saturn and Dreamcast hoaxes stops being sprite editing, and resemble photographic editing more (especially since proper emulation of the Dreamcast and Sega Saturn isn't widespread yet, so pictures and screengrabs available aren't as "clean"). The photographic style of editing is sufficiently harder, and less enjoyable for some fans. However, others take that as a challenge, and have pumped out some excellent hoaxes along that line, such as Bo Bayles or KnuxFive. Still, others think they can run an airbrush tool over a screengrab for three seconds, save the image dithered, and have a marvelous hoax. It's all a matter of the artist.
5) Okay, I'm game. How do I start hoaxing?
You go that way. Really fast. And if something gets in your way? TURN! No, no, sorry...
Anyway, here's a (long) list of guidelines you might follow as you start your "hoaxing" career. ^_^ These are only suggestions, feel free to follow or ignore them at your discretion.
First, think up an idea. Take the time to plan out what you want your hoax to be. Try for an original idea, something not thought of before. One problem of hoaxing is sometimes ideas overlap, and you end up with a blotch of hoaxes that seem bland together. Here's a list of ideas you may want to avoid:
- Knuckles in Sonic 1
- Knuckles in Sonic 2 Beta's Hidden Palace Zone
- Sonic in the Eggomatic (Robotnik/Eggman's ship)
- Super Sonic in Sonic 1
- Anything when you're just pasting an icon into a monitor (if it's a usual icon, IE pasting the "S" icon or the "Goggles" icon from Sonic 1 into the first monitor in Green Hill Zone)
- Anything where a character is "just standing" in a place.
However, remember, there are always exceptions to these. If you can think of a way for Knuckles to interact uniquely in the Sonic 2 Hidden Palace, go ahead! If Sonic isn't just flying around in the Eggomatic, but has a specific purpose, try it out! ^.^ What have you got to lose? Okay, maybe your sanity, but you didn't like it that much anyway. ;> Ahem...
Okay, you've got the idea worked out. Figured out what parts you're going to need? Time to collect those bits. ^.^ You probably will be hunting all day long if you try to get sprites from screengrabs other people have done, so your best bet is to locate an emulator and a copy of the ROM(s) you need. (And before you worry, it is _never_ illegal to own an emulator, and it's only "illegal" to own ROMs if you don't already own it officially (via the cartridges, or Sonic Jam). And even if you don't, I'm not promoting the idea, but they're not going to go after you because you don't own Sonic 1 and you have the ROM. After all, how many stores can you buy it at right now, and even if you find a copy, do you think Sega will get any profit from it anymore?)
Regarding emulators, I suggest Genecyst, version X.XX or the current version of DGen. You probably can find Genecyst at The Emulation Zone, and DGen at As for the ROMs, well, you're on your own. They're pretty easy to spot, if you're desperate, just go to my links page, click around on the Sonic websites, and you'll stumble across them eventually. ^.^
Once in your emulator of choice...ah...I can't help you. ^.^ You can use similar techniques to collect objects in any emulator, from DGen to KGen. But again, I suggest Genecyst (for the time being), because it seems to allow you to manipulate the ROMs the most (without hacking) to get the required image you need. You can turn on and off "layers", for instance, to clear away any foreground images and isolate the picture. However, DGen is current catching up and surpassing many of the features found in Genecyst, also, DGen can run the Sonic 2 (both release and prerelease) 2-player stages, if that is a concern. So several skills will transfer over to that particular emulator. I can't predict every situation (if you're direly having problems and you can't find help, give me an e-mail, and I'll try my hardest to help, but sometimes it just doesn't work out), so instead I'll try my best with a bit of general info for Genecyst, and the rest you'll just have to play around with.
If, say, you want to collect a sprite of Tails, you could do a number of things. You could simply press "F9" during play, which will grab a screengrab. But say you need a precise sprite of Tails. Say, one of him running. Having him run and rapidly pressing "F9", hoping to get lucky, simply won't do, right? Here's the trick. Just before you get into the situation, press "Alt+P" (that's Alt and P at the same time). The game will pause, but not in the game console style, but the actual ROM will. Everything should freeze in place. Now, you can advance frames with "Alt+A", until you get to the frame of your choice, then press "F9", and you're all set! ^.^ Press "Alt+P" to restore normal emulation. But wait! Something was partially in front of Tails (say, a patch of grass in Emerald Hill Zone), or you don't want to edit out that detailed background. Here's where the layers come in. Use the same process of pausing and advancing frames (remember, you can still enter key commands while advancing frames if you hold "Alt+P" and press the game keys you want to), but when you get to the scene, and something's blocking Tails, select the menu item that leads to the "Layers" choice, move over to the list, and turn on and off layers until Tails is isolated. Note however sometimes objects blocking a character are on the same layer, and at times if you remove a background layer, your object will blend in too much with the background color to be isolated, so you just have to work through it sometimes, or try an alternate route. If you need to revisit a scene repeatedly for sprites (example: the ending of a game), you can press a number (0 through 9), and press "F5" to make a Save State. When you want to go back to that exact scene, press that number, and then "F7".
Hopefully you got what you needed, and are ready to assemble your parts into your spectacular hoax. Now, remember, unless you're doing a specialty hoax, your focus is on exact sprite editing, not photographic-style editing. For this, I suggest Paint Shop Pro 5, found at You may use any program you wish, but I suggest this one because of it's advanced features, and lean toward clean editing (sorry, you can't do "Lens Flare" though. ;> Well, not without the right plugin, at least). The following editing tips are directly related to PSP 5. If you are using a different program, please skip the next section. You'll have to use trial-and-error, and find out what works in your preferred program to achieve the best effect.
To start, Open the "parts" you need (after starting the program, of course ;>). You will probably find these pictures in the same directory as your emulator, most likely in PCX format. PSP and most image editors can easily handle this format. Now, after you have all your parts open, organize them and pick out a "base image", a picture you will use as the background. This probably will be the Sonic level background. ^.^ Most screengrabs are saved as 320x224 size images, but if it's not, do not resize the image to that size until you're done, otherwise your parts will probably mismatch in comparison. Now, after making the "background" image the current one, go up to the menu, select "Colors", then "Increase Color Depth >", then scroll over to "16 Million Colors (24 Bit)" and select it (or simply press "Shift+Ctrl+0", that's Shift, Ctrl, and Zero at the same time). This will allow you to paste parts into the picture without having to worry about dithering because of a limited pallette.
From there on, you're on your own regarding editing (I might be a Moogle, but I'm not psychic. ;>). A couple of problems to watch out for:
- Make sure you have all the parts you need. Nothing is more frustrating than going into your paint program, then having to backtrack to the ROM because you forgot about a ring, or a score counter.
- Watch selections. Try to have minimal background detail pasted over with the object. You can do this in either of two ways. You can isolate the object in a seperate image with a single color (I suggest the Neon green color, available in the first row, third column down of "Basic Colors", Red 0, Green 255, Blue 0. This is a color not often found in Sonic games, and will be both distinguishable and uniform. It makes a great "Transparent" color as well. ^.^). Or, if you prefer to just cut and paste something, you can use specialized selections. After using a selection tool, in PSP 5, if you wish to add to that selection, you can hold "Shift" down, and use the selection tool again to add to that current selection, even if the required pixels aren't connected. Likewise, holding "Ctrl" will let you remove things from the current selection. Also, if you need to get everything _but_ an object, you can select that object, then press "Shift+Ctrl+I", which will invert your selection. The "Magic Wand" will select everything that is the same color, or similar color, depending on how you set the tolerance. And finally, the Lasso (Freehand Selection) tool can be set to "Point to Point", allowing for pixel-perfect selections at your own direction. Use a combination of these techniques for perfect clipping.
- Remember, if you paste a new character in, make sure to change _all_ aspects of that character. He/She/It has to look like it exists in the environment. If something's supposed to be overlapping, make sure it does. If that character is supposed to be playable, make sure the icon and name is changed in the life info. The worst thing is to have Luigi in an image, and the life icon and name say "Sonic".
- Never use a part of someone else's hoax without permission. If they took the time and effort to edit an Amy sprite, just don't cut it out and slap it in yours. E-mail them asking for permission. They'll say "Yes" 99% of the time, and now you're guilt-free. ^.^
Got your hoax? If it's a long hoax, and you need a break, save it intermediately as a non-lossy compression file (BMP, PCX, PSP), and _not_ as JPG or somesuch type where image quality will degrade. Now comes the saving. You will probably want to save this as a GIF image, because of its ready distrubution, and lack of lossy compression. But you started off setting the background as 16 Million Colors, right? Simply go up to "Colors", down to "Decrease Color Depth >", and scroll over to "256 Colors (8 Bit)", or simply press "Shift+Ctrl+3". A dialog box will pop up (One might pop up beforehand complaining about multiple layers. Simply press OK.). Now, here's the trick. Go to the "Palette" area, and choose "Optimized Octree". Why? This option will count the colors used in your image, and reduce the palette down to that exact number of colors, no more. If you use 41 colors, it will decrease the image to 41 colors. If you used 178, it will go down to 178. If you are above 256 colors, it will change colors, but using "shifts" more than dithering, which is much more pleasing to the eye and harder to tell apart. Note: if your image is very detailed, and requires little loss of color, go ahead and save your final copy as JPG. Select the lowest compression you can, however, because minor details will be lost due to JPG's compression schemes.
Still with us? Good! Click "OK", it'll reduce, look over your image once more, checking for errors or color changes, click "Save As", choose your format as "Compuserve GIF Format", name your file, and save. You're done! Now it's time to distribute! ^.^ And of course, after following this handy dandy guide, you wouldn't think of forgetting your old friend Kulock, wouldya? ;> Send e-mail to me with the image as an attachment to, and include in the message your name, your homepage address, the subject of the hoax (just a general idea in case I have difficulty figuring it out), and the full file name (this is necessary because my e-mail program truncates long filenames, A.K.A. I receive "AmyinDeathEgg.gif" as "Amyind~1.gif"). Also, if you wish to, you can submit hoaxes to Simon Wai's Sonic 2 Beta Page or Sonic Vegemite, as well as several other pages which accept hoaxes.
6) What's the level of content I should put in my hoaxes?
Try to maintain a PG-13 idealology, medium language ("What the HELL") and "gore" is acceptable if used in a comedic or logical sense (just, obviously, don't go over the top. Tails disembowled with his guts strung across the floor probably ain't going to have much of a chance of making it into the mainstream, ne? ^_^ Besides, I'm a Tails fan. ;>). But, say, in a photographic hoax, Sonic's arm cut a little just for graphical effect (because "he's been roughed up"), that sort of thing is fine.
7) You haven't posted my hoax in 60 seconds after I sent it! Are you dead?
Yes. No, wait, ahem...I apologize if there are delays in posting sometimes. Maintaining a large webpage is quite a job, and sometimes I'm simply not able to finish your page for a day or two (or because a "crisis" or major redesign, several days.) Please try to bear with me, I didn't blow you off, I'll try to code your page every chance I get. But please, if for some reason there is a significant delay in the updating of hoaxes, do not leave me "reminders" on my Message Board, send me e-mails telling me how impatient you're getting, and the like, unless you want more and more of a chance of me NOT updating the site (I'm not threatening you, the viewers, my patience just reasonably runs thin like any other individual). Now, if I DO update forgetting your hoax, please do contact me, that is a completely different matter.
8) Gee, Mr. Kulock, those are some neat-o keen spiffy animated hoaxes you made. How'd you do 'em?
I used a program called "Animation Shop", which comes with Paint Shop Pro 5. I find the two work together well, and Animation Shop gives you a good raft of features. I'm afraid you're on your own for making hoaxes that way, but for a hint, I suggest making all of your frames the "same size", using a nonmoving part of the image as a guide (such as a foot), and using the animation wizard. After that, well, good luck. ^.^
9) You promised you'd fill us in on the icons!
Oh, sorry. ^.^ It's quite simple: Every hoaxer wants to be unique, so hoax yourself! ;> Here's the deal: If you wish, you can make "sprites" of yourself. They will be put by your Hoax Sections (and later, Hoaxes when "Sort By Game" is reworked). There's only three things you need to be sure of: 1) You need to make sure it comes from some form of a Sonic sprite. Sorry, even if your character is from Contra or Kirby's Dreamland, it needs to be an edited Sonic game sprite, or have Sonic elements (Kirby wearing Sonic shoes or spikes might work. ^_^) 2.) You can have as many sprites as you want, but you need to pick _one_ to go along side your hoaxes. It needs to be no taller than an Eggman or Mecha Sonic (S & K) sprite taken at 320x224 pixels. All of your other sprites can be any other size (I suggest you keep the 320x224 ratio though, it's the common Sonic hoax size), but your primary sprite shouldn't be any larger. 3.) Try to use GIF format, even better, make the background transparent. Only use JPG unless absolutely necessary.
That's it. ^.^ Artistic freedom is welcome. You don't just have to redo a Sonic sprite. You can clip together different badniks, mix up the Sonic characters, or be a snowboarding Ashura. Just make it original, and have fun. ^.^ I'll be a little leniant with the size limit above, but I will not take a sprite the size of the S3&K Title Screen, unless of course you don't mind it being shrunk quite a bit. ^.^ Animated primary icons will be accepted, so long as the animation is not overly large.
10) May I "sign" my hoaxes?
I prefer you don't, however, I probably won't bar a hoax for being signed. I personally think it detracts from the idea of them being "hoaxes" in the first place, and "rip-offs" (people claiming the hoax is theirs) almost never occur (and when they do, it's either the idea, not the image, or if it is the image, someone recognizes it from somewhere else and chews the thief a new "one". ^_^) if that is your concern. Nothing's stopping you, but I'd prefer you didn't.
11) Why did you deny one of my hoaxes?
It's very rare, but unfortunately, once in a while I have to turn down hoaxes. I don't like doing it, but sometimes the situation calls for it. Does this mean the idea is forever barred from your hoaxes? Heck no! (With possible technical exceptions that should be blatant.) Does this mean I hate you and never wish to see your work again? Of course not! It just means there's something about your work I disagreed strongly with. Usually, it is possible to iron out these problems and resubmit the work (although I prefer the first time you submit something to be your best work). Here's a common list of "problems" that might've occured:
- Heavy dithering:
The picture is "speckled" in spots of color. This is usually a problem with the way colors are decreaed in your program, use a different color reduction option, or save as a JPG. However, do make sure the picture DOES retain the colors it needs, having a gray Sonic (that's supposed to be blue) isn't any better than a dithered Sonic.
- Clipping Artifacts:
Some element of your hoax was not carefully removed/changed, and extra parts that aren't of the hoax are noticable. This is often the background of a character being pasted into a scene, but it can also be that the area pasted over was not entirely cleaned off (for instance, Knuckles being pasted on the same area a sprite of Sonic was, but you can still see part of Sonic's arm and foot). Even if the artifacted parts look somewhat similar, make sure to remove them anyway.
- JPG Artifacts:
Exclusive to a JPG file, the compression is set too high, resulting in noticable loss of details. Usually not much of a problem, although there are always exceptions.
- Overt File Sizes:
Simply put, it's too big. ^_^ Size is relative to the amount of content provided. A long 300k Animated GIF file is acceptable if it needs that 300k for the amount of content it wishes to provide, but a still image that's 600k is ludicrous, please reduce the size into something more reasonable. But be wary of the above concern.
- Lack of Permission:
You used part of a hoax, or it's original idea, and failed to get permission from the original hoaxer. I probably received a complaint from said hoaxer if I didn't catch you at first. Now, if it's just by chance, I'm obviously not going to punish you (it's no big deal if two people have the same basic idea), but when it is obvious you used parts of someone else's work or specific idea (or theme), and claimed it your own, I'll have to deny that work until you get the proper permission.
- Nonsense Subject Matter:
Your hoax, frankly, makes no sense. It's no just a difficult to understand joke, or even an injoke, it just has parts that literally have no relation to anything else in the hoax. These are rare, but they happen.
- Overuse of Premade Fonts:
Okay, when you're just doing a hoax to be silly, such as "speech bubbles", using a premade font is fine. However, premade fonts are NOT a replacement for the true fonts. A Genesis doesn't use "Arial" or "Times New Roman", so if your hoax is "serious" (say, using a "dialogue box", ala RPGs), please avoid this. And, I cannoy stress this enough, Gaslight, Andes, and Playwright are NOT accurate replacements for the title card lettering in Sonic 2 and 3, please do not use them as a shortcut.
- Repeated "Upgrades" of Hoaxes:
Sometimes people ask me to allow posting hoaxes that redo previous ideas of their's, but with their developed hoaxing skills, allowing them to do more. Usually, I give these the okay, provided it doesn't happen often. However, when within a week, I receive six copies of the same hoax, each one slightly changed, then I have a problem. Quite simply, when you send a hoax in, unless you are asking for help or just letting me take a personal look (if it's a major undertaking, like some photo hoaxes), I expect to be getting the FINAL copy, not a "work in progress". If you're not happy with it, or have parts left to finish, don't send it in! Why marr your name with something obviously underdeveloped? Give it your all before you have it posted. Otherwise it's a waste of both of our times.
- Clashing Art:
Obviously, part of the game is redrawing characters, title screens, et cetera to look changed, but still reasonably similar in style. If a title screen has "Sonic" edited out okay, but "Manic" scribbled in poorly with the "Pen" tool, what's the point? It may take longer to edit some of these hoaxes to look more convincing, but it's definately worth it.
- Oversized:
The image is unreasonably large, especially for the subject matter. This is usually a problem with screengrabs, try to keep image sizes around the 320x224 range unless it is something special. Try not to have lots of useless "white space" in the pcitures unless it's necessary to the hoax.
- No Development/Lack of Responsibility:
Obviously, we all start out somewhere. And usually, our first batches of hoaxes have flaws, either minor or severe. (Except for me, I'm perfect. (J/K) ) So I'm obviously not going to make too big of a deal. However, if you keep doing hoaxes, and those same problems keep showing up, I'm afraid I'll have to say something (although I usually won't deny the hoaxes unless it's serious or a last resort). Also, sometimes people have problems converting their first few pics to GIF or JPG, or animating their first AniGIF, and I try to help them, sometimes do it for them, for the sake of helping them get their idea across. However, as time progresses, you have to start developing your skills yourself, I can't keep helping you through. Frankly, I don't always have the time. :/ Also, if I have to keep converting your hoaxes from BMP or PCX, or animating your pictures, it slows down the hoax updates. But, as I said, if you're just starting out, I'll help you, but if you've already submitted 50+ hoaxes, or have done several animated GIFs already, you need to start taking those extra steps yourself. :/ I'm not at all trying to "name names", I just need to make this clear.
- Personal Attack:
I have yet to see these, hope I never do. ^_^ The hoax insults or "attacks" someone else, such as another hoaxes, website, et cetera. Hoaxing isn't flaming, keep that in mind.
This may seem like a lot, but it just needed to be written out, it's really common sense (Don't steal anyone else's work, try your hardest, et cetera). Please don't let it frighten you from submitting, just make sure you follow these guidelines. Also, if I DO deny one of your hoaxes, please don't get mad at me, or upset at yourself, I'm just following the guidelines I needed to set. As I said before, if you correct your errors, 95% of the time I'll take it (now, granted, if it's still a "personal attack", or somesuch thing like that, you're still going to get a "No", but if it was just a technical flaw, you should be fine.)
Well, that's about it. ^_^ Oh, wanna help your fellow Moogle speed up the hoax updates? Here's a few simple tips that'll make me worship the ground you walk on. ^_^ They are not required, but help me out quite a bit:
- Please be explicit about special directions you wish to include with the hoax. For instance, if you want a certain quote to appear in the description area, make sure to tell me that, and what the quote is, and if you're sending more than one hoax, specify exactly which hoax this note applies toward. I'm not a mind reader, despite the deallybopper. ^_^ Also, please explain obscure hoaxes to me, such as if you changed a bonus stage to be shaped differently, or if you changed the skyline to have reflections of more clouds. I is dumb, and I like to know I'm not just posting a screenshot of something I don't remember. ;D
- Please ZIP your hoaxes. This is especially nice if you are sending more than one at a time, because it keeps the batches together for easy sorting, but even a single one zipped is helpful. Zipping retains the original filenames, however, if it's too much of an inconvenience at the time, don't worry about it, but PLEASE tell me the filename you wish it to have. Otherwise i'll just give it one per an estimation of what six letters I have (since filenames are truncated to the 8.3 format in my mail program, and the last two characters of the 8.3 format are usually "~1") and move on. ^_^ And remember, even if you do include the filename, it takes me extra time to look it up, and rename the file, so give Zipping a second thought. ^_^
- If you are a beginner asking for help, I emplore you to PLEASE Zip the files if you are A. Sending in a BMP or PCX file, or B. Sending a series of animation frames. Obviously "A" is to reduce transmission time, and "B" is to keep them all together.
- Please avoid filenames with spaces, special characters (single quotes are okay, hyphens might be), uppercase characters, multiple periods, or that are unreasonably long. It's just a filename, after all, it only needs to be identifiable. It doesn't need to be your life story. ;D "AndWhenIWasSix...gif"
- Please follow the rules above. ;> That obviously helps with the speed of updating a bit.
- Send cash. Lots of it. Hoaxes get posted faster that way.
Well, I hope this FAQ helped out any questions you may have had, keep it in mind for future reference. ^_^ Good luck with your hoaxing, I await your brilliant works! And they will be brilliant... RIIIIIIIIIGHT? *gives you the evil eye* Wait, I had an evil eye? Cool! Give it back!
Uh oh, I'm violating my own "Nonsense Content" rule, I'd better just tie this all up. ^_^ I appreciate you taking your time to go through this document, thanks for reading!
Last Updated: 1/10/00