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GoogleAlert #1: Google Launches World's Largest Search Engine

Dear Google Friends,

We're very excited to announce our new billion-page index! Now you can search the equivalent of a stack of paper more than 70 miles high in less than half a second! We think that's pretty cool. Read on for the official press release.

And keep on Googlin!
Larry, Sergey, and the Google Team


Google Now Enables Internet Users to Search More Than 1 Billion URLs, Providing Quick and Easy Access to 560 Million Full-Text Indexed Web Pages and 500 Million Partially Indexed URLs

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif.—June 26, 2000—Google Inc., one of the fastest growing search engines on the web, today announced it has released the largest search engine on the Internet. Google's new index, comprising more than 1 billion URLs, offers users the web's most comprehensive collection of websites, which can be easily searched with Google's fast and highly relevant search technology. Available now at http://www.google.com, Google's portal and destination site customers can also license this new index for integration with their own websites.

Google's new index is the first of its kind and represents the most comprehensive collection of the most useful web pages on the Internet. According to a recent survey conducted by the NEC Research Institute, there are more than 1 billion web pages online today. Google now offers users the ability to search almost all of this content, providing access to 560 million full-text indexed web pages and 500 million partially indexed URLs.

Integrated with more than 70 portals and destination sites worldwide, Google's award-winning search technology will soon power more than 30 million searches per day on Google.com and its partner websites.

"Google's new gigantic index means that you can search the equivalent of a stack of paper more than 70 miles high in less than half a second," said Larry Page, Google CEO and co-founder. "This unprecedented power enables millions of Google users worldwide to communicate, learn, and entertain like never before."

Google's new search index also represents the largest collection of international websites on the Internet, and is a key part of Google's strategy to expand its reach to new international markets. Currently, users can search for content in 10 different languages, including French, German, Italian and Spanish. The company is aggressively building additional search services, and will soon launch Japanese, Chinese, Korean and other customized versions of its award-winning search engine.

"Google continues to demonstrate the most innovative search technology on the Internet. Now with the largest index available, our users will get not only the most relevant search results but also the most comprehensive," said Sergey Brin, Google president and co-founder. "We remain obsessed with providing our users with the highest quality search experience on the web."

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