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GoogleAlert #2: Yahoo! Selects Google as its Default Search Engine Provider

Dear Google Friends,

We are also very pleased to announce that Google will now provide the default search service for Yahoo! Our search engine will now complement Yahoo's Web directory and navigational guide. Read on for the official announcement.

Keep on Googlin,
Larry, Sergey, and the Google Team.

Yahoo! Selects Google as its Default Search Engine Provider

Yahoo! to Integrate Google's Advanced Search Technology into Yahoo!'s Network of Properties

SANTA CLARA, Calif. and MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. – June 26, 2000 – Yahoo! Inc. (Nasdaq: YHOO) and Google Inc. today announced they have entered into an agreement that makes Google, one of the fastest growing search engines on the Web, Yahoo!'s default search results provider. Under the agreement, Google will provide its underlying Web search engine to serve as a complement to Yahoo!'s popular Web directory and navigational guide (www.yahoo.com). Yahoo!, a global Internet communications, commerce, and media company, expects to integrate the services within the next 30 days.

"Our Web directory and navigational guide is critical to the essential set of services that we provide to those who use Yahoo! as an important part of their daily lives. Yahoo! is focused on meeting the needs of these individuals by providing them with high-quality, relevant search results," said Jeff Mallett, president and COO of Yahoo!. "Yahoo! selected Google because they share our strong consumer focus. Google has clearly demonstrated its ability to scale with the rapid growth of the Web, making it a particularly good match for Yahoo! as we continue to expand our global presence. We are very pleased by this agreement."

Google is widely recognized for its award-winning advanced search services, which use powerful technologies to determine the importance and relevance of Web pages. Most recently, Google was a recipient of The Webby Awards' prestigious Best Technical Achievement award, as well as its People's Voice Award. Google was also selected as "Best Search Engine on the Internet" by Yahoo! Internet Life; named as one of the "Top Ten Best Cybertech of 1999" by TIME magazine; earned the "Technical Excellence Award" from PC Magazine; and was chosen "Best Search Engine" by The Net. In addition, Google recently was named the No. 1 search engine in a search and portal site tracking study conducted by NPD, a leading independent research company. Google led all search engines with 97 percent of its users indicating that they would recommend Google to a friend.

"Google's search services help individuals find the information they’re looking for on the Web with unprecedented levels of ease, speed, and relevancy," said Larry Page, co-founder and CEO of Google. "Through this relationship, Yahoo!'s vast audience will now benefit from increased accuracy and rapid return of high-quality, relevant search results." "We're extremely proud that Yahoo! has selected Google to complement its existing directory and navigational guide," added Sergey Brin, Google co-founder and president. "This is a significant milestone for Google and a strong validation of our business strategy."

Yahoo!, the most popular navigational guide to the Web, was founded on the principle of building a directory around subject-based, demographic and geographic content. Unlike search engines, which use automated "spiders" to electronically crawl the Web to capture and store sites in the search engine's index, Yahoo!’s staff of experts appropriately categorizes Web sites into an intuitive hierarchical organizational structure. Yahoo!'s directory features content and services within relevant context that can be browsed quickly and easily. The Google search engine will complement these services by providing Yahoo!'s vast audience with additional search capabilities on the Web. Page views generated from Google search results on Yahoo! will become part of Yahoo!'s advertising and merchandising inventory.

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