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Google Friends Newsletter for April 21, 2000

New Google Search Features
 • You've Ranked Us No. 1 (Again)
 • Google Gives You the World: Search in Ten Different Languages
 • Back to School: Search the Sites of Top Universities
 • See Where Your Search Terms Match
 • Easter surprise

Enthusiastic Googlers Make A Difference
 • Share Google with the World
 • Time Digital gives Google a look

Dear Google Friends,

April may have been the cruelest month for T.S. Eliot, taxpayers and tech stock investors, but not for loyal Google users. Read on for all the ways life (or at least online searching) got better this month.

You've Ranked Us No. 1 (Again)

Participating users once again elevated Google to the position of No. 1 search engine in NPD's survey of 13 major search and portal sites. NPD, an independent research agency, reported that Google ranked first overall and first in the categories of "effectiveness", "user satisfaction," and "loyalty."

    * 99 percent of our users identified Google as much or somewhat better than other sites.

    * 97 percent of our users find what they are searching for all or most of the time.

    * 8 in 10 users choose Google because it delivers the best search results.

What can we say? We feel the same way about you and all our Google users. Thanks for taking the time to fill in the survey and for all your kind words.

Google Gives You the World: Search in Ten Different Languages

Google puts the "World" in "World Wide Web" with our new multi-language search service, available for Beta testing at http://www.google.com. The world speaks in many tongues and now Google does too. Try your query in French, German, Italian, Swedish, Finnish, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Norwegian, or Danish.

Your results will contain pages only in the language(s) you select. Or you can search the whole web and have only the tips and instructions in a different language. We'll be expanding this service soon to include non-European languages as well.

Back to School: Search the Sites of Top Universities

Google started as a college project, so it's only natural we'd return to our roots. Finding vital information at dozens of universities just got easier thanks to Google's new University Search at http://www.google.com/universities.html . Narrow your search to a specific school website to find things like course schedules, admissions info, or alumni news.

See Where Your Search Terms Match

Can't find your search terms in your results? Click on the "Show Matches" link included with every Google result to see a snapshot of the page, with your search terms highlighted in Google yellow. This cached version is especially useful when the live page is inaccessible and you really, really need that pudding recipe.

Easter Surprise

Google's long tradition of special holiday decorations (http://www.google.com/logos.html) continues this weekend with an Easter surprise from Ken Perlin, the NYU professor who created our animated Valentine's Day heart. After Sunday, you'll still be able to find this Easter treat at http://www.google.com/Easter/feature_easter.html.

Google's hoppin' little applet is best viewed before consuming mass quantities of chocolate, hard-boiled eggs and marshmallow Peeps, not after.

Share Google with the World

Know someone who's hard to impress? Show them just how tech savvy you are by telling them about Google, the best way to find information on the web:

    * Click on "Email These Results" from the results page to share interesting Google search results with friends. You can add a personal note, and send results to yourself to save them in email form.

    * Use "Tell A Friend About Google" at http://services.google.com/recommend.html to give your friends the gift of time and stress-free searching!

    * Submit a "Google Success Story" at http://services.google.com/success.html to let us know how Google has helped you find what you're looking for.

Time Digital gives Google a look

Next time you're in line at the supermarket, be sure to pick up a copy of the May issue of TIME Digital. It makes interesting reading, especially page 60, which features a photo of our fearless founders Larry and Sergey and page 102, which features Google as #1 on the list of "Top 10 Sites".

According the magazine, "As search engines go, Google is to its competitors as a laser is to a blunt stick." Actually, that one made us blush a bit.

Until next time, keep on Googlin'
Larry, Sergey and the Google Team.

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