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Google Friends Newsletter for April 30, 2003

Search and Technology News
 • Hack writers take on Google
 • Want to drive traffic? Take the Free way
 • How do you say "Google" in...
 • Donate your brain to science
 • Logo genius

News About the Industry
 • New Google partners
    • Amazon
    • Disney
    • Daum (Korea)
 • 100,000 advertisers can't be wrong
 • Up and at it Down Under
 • Making web publishing pay
 • Adding Applied Semantics

Interesting Finds
 • Choice opportunity to support Google
 • Gearing up for the Google US Puzzle Championship
 • Books on our shelf
 • Coming Up: Q&A with Krishna Bharat

A New Approach

Google's commitment to providing useful information in an easy to use format doesn't stop with our search service. That's why this month's newsletter includes some changes we hope will make it more valuable to you. We've abbreviated the stories and linked to more information on Google.com. And we've organized the information by category, so you can get right to the news that's most relevant to you.

As with all things Google, you are the ultimate judge of how useful information we provide is to you. Please take a moment to share your thoughts on the newsletter's new format and content, as well as your suggestions for additions or changes. We look forward to your feedback at newsletter@g...

The Google Team

Search and Technology News

Hack writers take on Google

Google Hacks, a new O'Reilly book for Google power users offers 100 industrial-strength tips on how to use Google to maximum effect.

Want to drive traffic? Take the Free way

Adding search to your site is a great way to increase user satisfaction, which is why Google offers a number of search options to webmasters. And the good news is that some of them are free.

How do you say "Google" in...

Want your Google homepage to reflect a particular country? We offer 67 versions to choose from, as well as 86 language interfaces, the latest of which are The latest languages in which Google's interface is available are Xhosa and Zulu, bringing the total number to 86. You can help make Google available in your favorite language, whether it's Urdu or Elmer Fudd, and also set your homepage to that of you any one of 67 different national versions of Google.

Donate your brain to science

Google Compute, a Google Toolbar feature fresh from Google Labs, makes it easy to donate your computer's unused processing cycles to worthy scientific causes, such as medical research and global climate modeling.

Logo genius

The Google logo celebrated two notable birthdays in the month of March, paying tribute to Michelangelo (March 6) and Albert Einstein (March 14).

News About the Industry

New Google partners

100,000 advertisers can't be wrong

Google has become the world's largest and fastest- growing advertising network in record time. And the number of searches conducted per day on Google and its partner sites is up quite a bit as well -- now topping 200 million.

Up and at it Down Under

Google's new sales office in Sydney brings Google's performance-based ad programs to advertisers and agencies throughout Australia and New Zealand.

Making web publishing pay

Google's new content-targeted ad service automatically serves relevant ads into content pages across the web, enabling web publishers to make additional revenue from unsold pages.

Adding Applied Semantics

Google announced the acquisition of Applied Semantics, a producer of software applications for the online advertising, domain name and enterprise information management markets. Applied Semantics' technical expertise in analyzing page content will help Google to improve search and ad targeting.

Interesting Finds

Choice opportunity to support Google

Google has been nominated for two Webby People's Voice awards and your vote can help us bring them home. To support Google in the Technical Achievement or News categories, register to vote at:

Gearing up for the Google US Puzzle Championship

Google is proud to be the name sponsor of the Google US Puzzle Championship, open to anyone with a logical mind and an inclination to solve numeric and visual puzzles.

Books on our shelf

Books we've seen lying around on Googlers desks and why they're reading them.

Coming Up: Q&A with Krishna Bharat

With events making it more vital than ever to grasp diverse points of view, it seems like a good time to check in with Google senior research scientist Krishna Bharat, original creator of Google News. Have a question you've been dying to ask? Send your comments and Queries to newsletter@g... We'll take a representative selection and provide Krishna's replies in the next Google Friends newsletter.

These are exciting times at Google. Thanks for your interest and support as we continue to work on providing better access to information. We look forward to sharing news with you in the coming months and wish you the very best.

The Google Team

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