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Google Friends Newsletter for December 12, 2002

 • Find the Right Gift in .5 Seconds - Google Catalog Search
 • This Just In: Google News Is New From Google
 • Look Ma, No Hands – Google Viewer Fresh From the Lab
 • Stanford, Berkeley and Now, Google U for ROI Majors
 • Yahoo! Japan Develops a Yen for Google Ads
 • Google In a Box Gets Bigger and Better
 • Wrapping Up the Year From A to Zeitgeist

Greetings, Google Friends –

One of Google's core principles is "focus on the user and all else will follow." A lot of our users lately have been asking us to extend Google's search capability over new areas of content. Read on for an introduction to some new Google services that do just that.

Find the Right Gift in .5 Seconds – Google Catalog Search

Is your mailbox overflowing with holiday catalogs, just when you have the least amount of time to peruse them? Google has made it a lot easier to find the perfect present from mail-order catalogs that are not available online anywhere else. Google Catalog Search includes the full contents of hundreds of catalogs selling everything from industrial adhesives to clothing and home furnishings. Whether you're looking to buy for yourself, your business, or that special someone in your life, Google Catalog Search can help. It's fast, easy and guaranteed not to give you a paper cut.

Search and browse Google Catalogs at http://catalogs.google.com/

This Just In: Google News Is New From Google

Newshounds rejoice: Google News is now serving up breaking stories culled from approximately 4,000 news sources worldwide. Stories are automatically arranged into categories, and topics are updated throughout the day, so it's easy to watch news unfold each time you visit. See stories develop over time, and how different news organizations report the same information from around the world. Browse by topic or search for a specific subject in the news – you'll get a variety of perspectives you won't find elsewhere, which just makes the news all that much more interesting to read.

Expand your world view by visiting: http://news.google.com/

Look Ma, No Hands – Google Viewer Fresh From the Lab

We've introduced you previously to Google Labs, our engineers’ playground. It's where we showcase new and interesting technology our developers believe is ready to be tested in real-world situations by thinking people. That's where you come in. If you’re ready to slip on a lab coat and sharpen the cutting edge of search technology, come test the limits of two new experiments:

Google Viewer – Explore search result pages easily without using your keyboard or mouse. Type in your query, and watch images of the actual pages Google finds scroll by in an automated slideshow.

Google WebQuotes - So Google ranks a site as number one? What do other people think about it? Find out by seeing your search results annotated with comments about them collected from other sites across the web.

It's all happening at Google Labs: http://labs.google.com/

Stanford, Berkeley and Now, Google U for ROI Majors

The Bay Area was introduced to a new institute of higher earning recently with the launch of Google U, a seminar series for those studying the science of greater profitability. The primary text is Google AdWords, our self-service keyword advertising service. While Google U doesn't yet have campuses outside the Bay Area, there is a great way to learn more about improving ROI at your own pace, in the comfort of your own home. To participate in our distance learning program, enroll your browser in the following URL:


Yahoo! Japan Develops a Yen for Google Ads

Earlier this year, Google released a Japanese version of the Google AdWords program and it's already starting to change the way small businesses from Sapporo to Okinawa build traffic to their websites. In November, Yahoo! Japan announced they would be joining the Google network of advertising partners, which now includes NIFTY, NEC/BIGLOBE and Excite Japan. Yahoo! Japan users now see sponsored links provided by Google AdWords when they conduct searches across the more than 100 million pages of Japanese content Google has indexed. For more details on the partnership, visit:


Google In A Box Gets Bigger and Better

For medium sized businesses that believed the GB-1001 model of the Google Search Appliance was too small and the GB-8008 model was too big,there's now a model that’s just right for them. Google has introduced a GB-5005 appliance and announced improvements to the software running on all three machines. All Google Search Appliances now offer improved secure search capabilities and better performance across the board. Many company, university and government search administrators already rely on Google Search Appliances for their intranets and websites. With these upgrades, it's likely many more will discover the joys of owning the search engine wrapped in the bright yellow box.  

To get the scoop on all flavors of Google Search Appliances, visit:


Wrapping Up the Year From A to Zeitgeist

Where did 2002 go, anyway? We've summed it all up nicely with the year-end Google Zeitgeist, our annual roundup of what millions of searches reveal about the collective consciousness. Wax nostalgic about a year in which the top technology search was MP3 and the most searched-for man was … well, why not check for yourself at:


And as we move into 2003, all of us at Google wish you and yours the very best during the holiday season. May you always find what you're searching for.

The Google Team

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