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Google Friends Newsletter for February 26, 2003

 • Express Yourself: Google and Blogger.com Link Up
 • Now See Here: Google Wireless Image Search
 • Frugal is as Froogle Does
 • From Mountain View to Milan, Google is Growing
 • Webmasters to Google: Keep it Up
 • Awards and Accolades: Wired Raves, Apple Explores
 • Quotable Quotes: Feeling Lucky?
 • Broaden Your Horizons: Take the Google Tour
 • Wearing Our Heart on Our Homepage
 • Google Needs YOU: We're Hiring

Dear Google Friends,

Beneath its simple interface, Google is growing and evolving, finding new ways to connect people with the information they need. Here's a peek behind the scenes at Google, along with a few things we've come up with to make your search experience even better.

Express Yourself: Google and Blogger.com Link Up

The latest sign of the Internet's power to democratize information is the growing visibility of weblogs, the online journals where millions of voices hold forth on every topic imaginable. Among the pioneers of the blogger movement has been Pyra Labs, whose Blogger self-publishing software now has more than a million users. We're pleased to report that the folks at Pyra are joining the Google team. We'll have more news to share in the weeks to come.


Now See Here: Google Wireless Image Search

Another sign that evolution is alive and well: Mobile search isn't just for alphanumerics anymore. Google has given mobility a new look by bringing Google Image Search to Sprint PCS mobile phones. Besides being able to search more than 3 billion web pages, Sprint PCS phone customers can now search and view nearly 425 million web images using Google. Looking for a portrait of some R&B diva? Perusing your favorite painter's greatest hits? Trying to ID the exotic frog that just hopped into your waders? Google Wireless Image Search lets you leave wires, walls, and workstations behind like a lungfish leaving a tide pool. If that's not evolution, what is?


Frugal is as Froogle Does

Froogle, our new product search service, carries Google's emphasis on objective results into the realm of online shopping. Google doesn't sell search results for a very simple reason: We want users to know their search results are relevant, not bought-and-paid-for. Much like Google search, Froogle searches through millions of relevant websites to help users quickly find whatever they're hankering for, pinpointing sites that offer the specific product they seek. And for all the same reasons that you trust Google search results, you can trust the results you get from Froogle. The Froogle beta is live right now. Check it out.


From Mountain View to Milan, Google is Growing

Google life keeps getting livelier, with new Googlers joining our crew each week. That growth isn't confined to our California HQ. A few weeks ago, Google's latest international office officially opened its doors in Milan. The new Google office serves the growing Italian market for search-based advertising, following the lead of established Euro-Googlers in London, Paris, and Hamburg. Where will Google turn up next? Stay tuned.


Webmasters to Google: Keep it Up

We value the opinions of Google users. That's no less true of those users who focus on the back end: the webmasters and search gurus with a deep knowledge of what makes Google tick. So we were delighted to learn of Google's multiple first-place honors in the Search Engine Watch Awards for 2002. Besides being named Outstanding Search Service for the third year in a row, Google won Best News Search, Best Image Search, Best Design, Best Search Feature (Google Spell Checking), Most Webmaster-Friendly Search Engine, and several other first-place awards. Our thanks to all those who gave their votes to Google. We'll keep working to deserve this honor.


Awards and Accolades: Wired Raves, Apple Explores

Wired magazine split its Wired Rave Award for 2002 Businessperson of the Year three ways, divvying up the glory among Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin and Google Chairman and CEO Eric Schmidt. This is the third Wired Rave Award Google has captured in as many years, having been named "Most Intelligent Agent" for 2000 and "Best Service Site" for 2001.


Google also won Brandchannel's Readers Choice Global Brand of the Year award for 2002, ranking ahead of Apple, Coca-Cola, Starbucks, and Ikea. Google ranked fourth on last year's list.


Google was named Best All-Round Search Site in the 2002 Pandia Awards, given annually by a Norwegian site devoted entirely to Internet search and search engine optimization.


And the Mac faithful will be pleased to note that Steve Jobs' latest Macworld keynote showed off a new Apple browser with Google built in. The browser, dubbed "Safari," puts a Google search field right next to the web address.


Quotable Quotes: Feeling Lucky?

The Google Search Appliance (aka "Google in a Box"), our enterprise search solution, was highlighted in two recent articles in InformationWeek, something we're always glad to see. But what really made these pieces stand out was a quote from an IT manager at Kaiser Permanente, who said: "They're gonna have to pry my cold hands off the keyboard to take this off the site." We appreciate the enthusiasm.


Broaden Your Horizons: Take the Google Tour

Want to take your search a little further? The Google Tour will step you through a whirlwind survey of Google search features. From the always-at-hand convenience of the Google Toolbar to the diverting practicality of Google Catalogs, you'll find there's more to Google than our low-key homepage might lead you to believe.


Wearing Our Heart on Our Homepage

Our affection for Google users is well known. But in case you missed Google's latest effort to make your search experience sweeter, here's our Valentine's Day logo, as well as recent custom logos celebrating the Chinese New Year and the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.


Google Needs YOU: We're Hiring

The more we do at Google, the more we need people to help us do it. If you'd like to share your love for search with a broader public, consider joining the Google team. You'll be making life better for millions of search users worldwide, while receiving excellent benefits and enjoying a fast-paced, stimulating work environment. Most of our departments are hiring, notably our engineering crew. Don't just use Google, be Google. Check out our jobs page and send us your resume. Our current openings can be found at:


These are exciting times at Google. Thanks for your interest and support as we continue to grow. We look forward to sharing news with you in the coming months and wish you the very best.

The Google Team

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