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Google Friends Newsletter for January 21, 2000

 • Google Traffic Increases 70,000%!
 • Google's A Hit--Survey Says: You Really, Really Like Us!

New Products and Programs
 • New Search Products (including Free WebSearch)
 • Coming Soon: Be a Google Affiliate

 • For Mac Lovers: New Apple-specific Google Search Engine
 • Make Google Your Default Engine
 • The Word on Google and RealNames

In Closing . . .
 • Calling All Google Success Stories!
 • We Want to Hear from You!

Dear Google Friends!

Happy New Year and welcome to the January issue of the Google-Friends Newsletter! This mailing contains the latest scoop about Google and a preview of things to come. This mailing is only sent to those who have requested it. If you'd like to stop receiving the Google-Friends newsletter, please send an email to google-friends-unsubscribe@egroups.com.

We haven't been in touch for some time now, so we're anxious to share some great news and inside tips with you, our most loyal Google users. In this issue, we'll discuss how Google has grown tremendously over the past few months: in the number of searches we perform daily, in awards and accolades we've received, and in services that we offer.

Google Traffic Increases 70,000%!

This is not a typo! Google ended 1999 averaging about 7 million searches each day, a roughly 70,000% increase over the 10,000 searches per day that were performed on the Google site in December 1998! This explosive growth reflects the total number of searches performed by users on www.google.com and on our corporate partner sites. As of the middle of January, we are averaging more than 10 million searches each day! Thank you for spreading the word!

Google's a Hit--Survey Says: You Really, Really Like Us!

As our traffic grew, so did the recognition we received from major media publications and an industry-wide survey. Yahoo Internet Life named Google the Best Search Engine site in its "100 Best Sites for 2000" issue. Time magazine named Google to its "Best Cybertech of 1999" in its Dec. 20 issue and Google received a 1999 PC Magazine Technical Excellence Award at COMDEX/Fall '99. And Internet users agree! Google ranked first in a nationwide survey of search and portal users commissioned by 13 major search companies. According to NPD Online Research, Google led all sites with:

  • 97 percent of its users identifying Google as much or somewhat better than other sites

  • 95 percent of its users finding what they are searching for all or most of the time

  • 8 in 10 of its users choosing Google because it delivers the best search results.
For more on the survey, check out the press release we issued: http://www.google.com/press/pressrel/pressrelease9.html

New Search Products (including Free WebSearch)

Add the world's best search engine to your own website! Google has introduced an automated WebSearch program that allows you to add web-wide search capacity to your site in two easy steps. The program consists of three packages, Free Search, Silver Search, and Gold Search. All include co-branding and some degree of customization. Find more information at http://www.google.com/services/websearch.html.

Coming Soon: Be a Google Affiliate

Good karma is not the only reward for sharing the good news about Google! Google will soon launch an affiliate program in order to thank those of you who've put Google search boxes on your site. With every Google search performed from your site, Google will provide some kind of reward. More details coming soon!

For Mac Lovers: New Apple-specific Google Search Engine

Google has just introduced a new Apple-specific search engine that is specifically tailored to high-quality websites related to Apple Computer and the Macintosh computing platform: http://www.google.com/mac.html.

Apple Search joins Google's growing roster of specialized searches, which include a Linux search, a U.S. government search, and a Stanford University search. Look for many more to come.

Make Google Your Default Engine

Now you can set Google as the default search engine for Netscape and Explorer, set Google as your start page, and use a plug-in to do Google searches with Apple computer's Sherlock tool: http://www.google.com/options/defaults.html

The Word on Google and RealNames

You may have noticed the presence of RealNames Internet Keyword (RN) links on some Google results pages. Google has entered into a partnership with RealNames that complements our search service by offering the option of RealNames' human-edited catalog to help navigate the web. If the first Google result differs from the RN result, the RN result is shown at the top of the page with a small "RN" to the right of the returned result. Look for more partnerships with leading information providers in the future.

Calling All Google Search Success Stories!

Did you find a long-lost friend or relative on Google? Did you finally locate that out-of-print book? We want to hear about it! Send us the stories of your successful Google searches and you may find your story featured on our website! Send stories to success at google.com.

We Want to Hear From You!

As always, we welcome user comments and suggestions. Drop us a line to webmaster and let us know your thoughts on how we're doing.


Sergey Brin, President and Co-founder
Larry Page, CEO and Co-founder

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