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Google Friends Newsletter for July 27, 2000

 • Hat Trick! Google Ranks No. 1 in NPD Search Scorecard for the third
   consecutive time
 • As You Like It: Our New Customized Preferences Page
 • Refined Searching: Our Sophisticated New Advanced Search Page
 • Please Define: Search for Dictionary Definitions on Google
 • Google Makes Splash in "Land of the Morning Calm" with Korean Search

Dear Google Friends,

Summer is in full swing, the days are long, and the time for holidays is here. Google, of course, hasn't taken a vacation from providing the best search on the Web. And with some of the new features we announce today, we think we've made it even better!

Hat Trick! Google Ranks No. 1 in NPD Search Scorecard for the third consecutive time.

Thanks to our vocal Google users, we placed first overall for user satisfaction and loyalty in the NPD survey for the third quarter in a row! Here are the vitals:

  • No. 1 Opinion of Site: 97.4 percent of users rated Google as excellent or very good.
  • No. 1 Recommend to a Friend: Google topped all sites with 94 percent of its users saying they would tell their friend about Google
  • No. 1 Comparison vs. Other Sites: 98 percent of surveyed users rated Google as much or somewhat better than other search sites.
  • No. 1 Delivering the Information Sought: 97 percent of users surveyed reported that Google found relevant information every time or most of the time.

For more info about the survey and the other categories Google topped, see: http://www.google.com/press/pressrel/pressrelease29.html

As You Like It: Our New Customized Preferences Page

Customize your Google easily with our new Language, Display, and Filtering Ooptions page. Here you can:

  • set languages preferences, both interface language and search language
  • set the number of default results you prefer per screen-- 10, 20, 30, 50, or 100
  • set your default for SafeSearch (adult content filtering) either ON or OFF

You can find this page at: http://www.google.com/preferences.html

Refined Searching: Our Sophisticated New Advanced Search Page

Tune the precision of your searching at our new Advanced Search page, where you can:

  • search for exact phrases
  • exclude words from a search
  • restrict your search to specific domain (for finding only .uk pages, for instance)
  • find all pages that link to a certain page

Now you can perform razor-sharp searches, easily! Find this page at: http://www.google.com/advanced_search.html

Please Define: Search for Dictionary Definitions on Google

Use Google to find dictionary definitions! Just enter your query into the search box as you would normally. Any part of your query for which we have a dictionary definition will be underlined in the center text above the search results, as seen for the query "googol" in the following example:


Click on the link to see the relevant dictionary definition. Here's to higher Scrabble scores!

Google Makes Splash in "Land of the Morning Calm" with Korean Search

To our friends in East Asia: Google is coming to a computer screen near you! We recently launched a beta version of our new Korean language search, and we plan to roll out Chinese and Japanese language search very soon.

Find our Korean search at: http://www.google.co.kr (but remember to set your browser language encoding to Korean!)

Enjoy the summer and thanks for using Google!

-Larry, Sergey, and the Google Team

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