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Google Friends Newsletter for July 28, 2001

 • Google Introduces Image Search
 • Wow! What a Webby to Win
 • For a Cingular Search, Go Google
 • Mapping the Zeitgeist
 • Google the Keyword for Success
 • Google Holiday Logos a Continued Hit

Google Introduces Image Search

If a picture is worth 1,000 words, what about a million pictures? Or to be more precise 250 million pictures? Google Image Search (beta version) is the most comprehensive way to search for images on the Web and it's just as easy to use as Google's other Web search services.

To use image search, find the image search box on Google's advanced search page or visit http://images.google.com and enter a query. Then click the "Search" button. When the results page appears, click the thumbnail to see a larger version of the image, as well as the web page on which the image is located.

You should be aware that the results you see with this feature may contain adult content. Google considers a number of factors when determining whether an image is relevant to your search request. Because these methods are not entirely foolproof, it's possible some inappropriate pictures may be included among the images you see.

To use Google Image Search, go to the Advanced Search page or visit: http://images.google.com

Wow! What a Webby to Win

How could we top Google's double Webby win last year in the Technical Achievement Category? By winning this year's first-ever Webby Award for Best Practices, honoring a single site that serves as a model of over-all excellence. Google was awarded this special honor at the 5th Annual Webby Awards recently held in San Francisco. The Webby Awards is the leading international honor for websites and individual achievement in technology and creativity.

The Best Practices Award formally recognizes the website that receives the highest rating in the six Webby judging areas: content, structure and navigation, visual design, functionality, interactivity, and over- all experience.

"We would like to acknowledge Google users for their ongoing support," said Sergey Brin, Google's co-founder and president (who was attired in a dashing silver cape for the occasion). "The tremendous enthusiasm shown by our users inspires us daily to continue our efforts to provide the best search experience on the web."

For more details, read the press release at: http://www.google.com/press/pressrel/webbys.html

For a Cingular Search, Go Google

If you dial up the Web on a Cingular Wireless device, you can now get direct access to Google on your phone. You'll find Google in the Cingular My Wireless Window portal. Google's Cingular service is your gateway to searching more than 1.3 billion Internet web pages, and 2.2 million WAP-ready web pages. And because Google automatically converts HTML web pages into a format optimized for WAP phones, far more of the web will be available to you while you're on the go.

As regular readers of this newsletter know, this is the latest in a series of significant wireless customer wins for Google, which recently announced mobile partnerships with Sprint PCS, Handspring, Vodafone and Yahoo!. At this rate, whichever way you go, you'll have a way to go Google.

For full details, check out the press release at: http://www.google.com/press/pressrel/cingular.html

Mapping the Zeitgeist

zeit·geist | Pronunciation: 'tsIt-"gIst, 'zIt | Function: noun | Etymology: German, from Zeit (time) + Geist (spirit) | Meaning: the general intellectual, moral, and cultural climate of an era

Ever wonder what's going to be the next big thing? Now Google gives you a sneak peek at what's hot and what's not. People around the world search with Google for breaking news and obscure information alike. With a bit of analysis, this mass of data exposes many interesting patterns and trends. You'll find highlights culled from search data on Google's Zeitgeist page, which will be updated on a regular basis.

This weeks top up and comers include: British Open, code red worm, g8, ff10 and Penelope cruz. To see the full list of who's up and who's down, visit:


Google the Keyword to Success

If you haven't heard about Google's advertising program, your business may be missing out on one of the Web's most efficient marketing tools. Google Premium Sponsorship ads are placed atop Google search results pages and are optimized by Google's account services team. Google's AdWords ads appear on the right side of search results pages and are managed entirely by the advertiser.

All of Google's ads are targeted by keywords, so only people searching for the terms you select see your message. It's small wonder that Google ad clickthrough rates have been 5 times higher than industry standard for online banners. As a Google user, you know how effective our search engine can be. Now you can put the power of Google's technology to work on behalf of your business.

If you'd like to learn more about how this incredibly efficient marketing tool can help your business, visit the advertising section on Google at:


Google Holiday Logos a Continued Hit

You may have missed some of our latest holiday tributes if you don't use Google on the weekends. To see all the home page designs we've run, check out our holiday logo archive, which can be found at: http://www.google.com/holidaylogos.html

And be sure to stay tuned for upcoming celebrations of events from around the world. From the email we've been receiving, our little critters are almost as popular as our search engine.

Keep on Googlin'

The Google Team

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