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Google Friends Newsletter for July 2003

Google News From Around the Globe
 • A new Google Toolbar with pop-up blocker
 • Google AdSense makes publishing pay
 • Q&A with Krishna Bharat about Google News
 • New languages, new countries, new Google users
 • Google Japan welcomes new president – Irasshaimase!
 • The latest worldwide search trends

Telling Tales of Google
 • Two Google users with amazing stories of search success
 • An eye-opening Google AdWords account

Search Tip of the Month
 • Search within a specific site, country or language

Searching for a Good Time
 • Puzzling results
 • The dazzling illustrated logos of Dennis Hwang
 • Want some fun on the job? Work at Google.

Dear Google Friends:

Search here, search there, search everywhere. No matter where you are, we're working to bring Google to you. This edition of the Google Friends newsletter takes a closer look at the ways we're keeping Google close at hand – from improving the Google Toolbar to making Google News available in more languages and countries.

Thanks for your continued support, wherever you may be.

The Google Team

Google News From Around the Globe

A new Google Toolbar with pop-up blocker

Google has just released a beta version of its next generation Google Toolbar – a free browser tool that enables users to search with Google no matter where they are on the Internet. New features in this latest version of the Google Toolbar include:

  • Pop-up blocker: Turn off distracting pop-up ads from web pages you visit and let through only those pop-ups you want to see
  • AutoFill: Complete web forms quickly and easily with information that's saved securely on your own computer
  • BlogThis: Link to your favorite web pages from your own online web journal, created with free software from Blogger.com.
To download this new version of the Google Toolbar, go to:

Google AdSense makes publishing pay

Publishers have long dreamed that their content would draw both readers and advertisers. Now at least part of that dream is coming true. Google now offers Google AdSense, which enables publishers to earn money by serving highly relevant Google AdWords on their site. Google AdSense makes it easy for websites of all sizes to generate revenue from their content, with almost no setup or maintenance required.

To see if your site is eligible to participate, visit:

Q&A with Krishna Bharat about Google News

Google News extracts articles from more than 4,500 sources worldwide, then automatically clusters them into groups by subject matter. Krishna Bharat, the Google Senior Research Scientist who conceived of the idea, answers your questions about the history and future of Google News.

New languages, new countries, new Google users

With the launch of google.com.pk (Pakistan) and google.lu (Luxembourg), Google is now available on 76 country domains – and the list keeps growing.

To see all of the Google country domains, visit:

You can also use Google in any of 88 languages from Esperanto to Icelandic. If we don't speak your preferred tongue (Inuktitut? Lingala? Hausa?), perhaps you could help us out. We're looking for volunteers to work on translating the Google interface. Interested? Sign up and we'll tell you how to get started.

Google Japan welcomes new president – Irasshaimase!

Norio Murakami recently was named president of Google's Tokyo office. Murakami-san will lead Google's business in Japan including web search and online-advertising services. Murakami-san is former President and CEO of Nortel Networks Japan.

Google Japan, based in Tokyo, is one of Google's 18 locations worldwide. Other offices include the Mountain View headquarters, Detroit, Toronto, NY, LA, Denver, Dallas, Atlanta, Chicago, Boston, London, Hamburg, Paris, Milan, and Sydney.

The latest worldwide search trends

It's summer, and people worldwide are gearing up for much-needed vacations. Ever wonder what they search for to get there? In Canada the top 5 (in order) are: "Air Canada," "Cuba," "via rail," "Jetsgo" and "beach." Sightsee search trends around the rest of the world with Google Zeitgeist.

Telling Tales of Google

Two Google users with amazing stories of search success

Google users are sharing people, especially when it comes to explaining how Google has changed their lives. Here are two of the many wonderful anecdotes we've received in recent weeks.

Lesley's brother left the UK and disappeared for six years. Her first ever Google search found him listed as part of a 10-pin bowling league in Brazil.

Abigail's daughter had a rare genetic condition her doctors had never seen. Using Google, she helped them diagnose the illness and get treatment, not just for her daughter, but for another patient with the same syndrome.

Read these stories and those of other Google users at:

To submit your own Google story, visit:

An eye-opening Google AdWords account

Postoptics, an online contact-lens supplier in the UK, uses Google AdWords to generate 35 percent of its traffic and 58 percent of its orders. Read what they have to say at:

To learn more about how Google AdWords can help your business, visit:

Search Tip of the Month

Search within a specific site, country or language

Sometimes you want to search more than 3 billion pages. Sometimes you don't. If you're interested in limiting your search – say, for example, looking only at web pages from a particular website or pages in a particular language or from a specific country – Google offers an easy way to do that.

To search only within the pages of a specific website, use the "site:" command. For example, "admission site:brown.edu" finds admission information on the Brown University site.

For language or country restricts, use Google's Language Tools page:

To restrict by a selected content area (e.g. Apple, Linux, Microsoft) use our Advanced Search page:

Searching for a Good Time

Puzzling results

The 2003 Google U.S. Puzzle Championship engaged more than 700 participants from around the U.S. in an online contest of raw brainpower. The four top scoring puzzlers will go on to compete in the 12th World Puzzle Championship in the Netherlands this fall. To meet America's most logical thinkers, visit:

The dazzling illustrated logos of Dennis Hwang

Google's own assistant webmaster Dennis Hwang has attained a small slice of immortality as the creator of our Google home page logo illustrations. Now you can own your own Hwang work and display it proudly across your chest. The Google Store carries 4 t-shirts with a range of Dennis' logos, from a DNA spiral to matching Valentine hearts.

Want some fun on the job? Work at Google.

Can work be fun? It is at Google, where a typical day's challenges include everything from writing code to roller hockey. Google is hiring for positions worldwide in many departments. Check out our jobs page and see if anything tickles your fancy.

Thanks for your continued interest in the goings on at Google. We encourage you to pass this newsletter on to anyone you know who might share that interest. And as always, we welcome your questions and comments on anything Google related. You can find helpful hints and our contact information online at:

The Google Team

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