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Google Friends Newsletter for June 16, 2000

Summer and Holiday Fun
 • Google Goes Wireless: Take Google to the Beach and Everywhere Else
 • Honor Your Father: Take the Google Father's Day Quiz

New Features
 • You Can Get There From Here: Use Google to Find Street Maps
 • All the News That Fits: Relevant News Headlines Available

Company and Products
 • Catch Google Fever! Put Google on Your Website
 • Peek Behind the Curtain: Faces of Google
 • If We Can Make it There . . . The New Yorker Profiles Google

Dear Google Friends,

We don't know about your neck of the woods, but here in Silicon Valley summer has definitely arrived, with record-breaking 100-degree weather. So we dedicate this newsletter to the pleasures of summer sun and cool getaways. Why not bring Google to the beach with you and enjoy some of the hot new features we describe below? Don't forget sunscreen . . .

Google Goes Wireless: Take Google to the Beach and Everywhere Else

Search on-the-go using Google on your WAP-ready mobile phone, Palm V or VII handhelds, or ePodsOne Internet appliance. We're the only major search engine that translates all HTML pages to WML on the fly, so you can view any website using Google. Find more information about shedding the desktop and going mobile at: http://www.google.com/devices.html

Honor Your Father: Take the Google Father's Day Quiz

Honor your father and father figures everywhere by taking our special Father's Day Quiz at http://www.google.com/googlequiz.html . Complete the quiz and you may win a Google t-shirt for yourself or the dad-like person of your choice. We'll send the shirt to whomever you want, and we'll include a nice note telling the recipient how he or she came to receive official Google garb.

You Can Get There From Here: Use Google to Find Street Maps

Never get lost again thanks to Google's easy-to-use street map feature. Just enter a U.S. street address, including zip code or city/state (e.g. 2400 Bayshore Ave Mountain View CA), into the search box. Often the street address and city name will be enough.

Google links directly to map providers--selected solely for their high quality--with no additional typing required.

All the News That Fits: Relevant News Headlines Available

You may have noticed links to well-regarded news sites above your regular search results. Google now incorporates the latest news headlines when they are relevant to your search. To see for yourself, type [korean summit] in the search box at http://www.google.com

Catch Google Fever! Put Google on Your Website

Just a reminder that we offer a few special, easy ways to put the power of the world's best search engine to work on your site:

Our Affiliate program pays you 3 cents for every search performed from your site. It's now available with SafeSearch adult-content filtering. Find more information at http://www.google.com/affiliates/welcome.html

License Google through our Silver and Gold WebSearch programs. These let you co-brand and customize the interface and generate revenue. Find more information at http://www.google.com/websearch_programs.html

Peek Behind the Curtain: Faces of Google

Take a peek at some of the wizards working search magic behind the scenes at the GooglePlex, our worldwide headquarters: http://www.google.com/jobs/culture.html

If We Can Make it There . . . The New Yorker Profiles Google

We've made it to the "Digital Age" edition of America's foremost intellectual magazine, the New Yorker, with a profile teased off the cover as "the perfect search engine". Google "has become the default search engine of the digital in-crowd," according to the article. Danny Sullivan, editor of Search Engine Watch, asserts that "Their system just works better than anyone else's does." But you already knew that. Find links to more Google articles in the press at: http://www.google.com/press.html

Happy Father's Day and Keep on Googlin,
Larry, Sergey, and the Google Team.

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