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Google Friends Newsletter for March 24, 2000

 • Become a Google Affiliate
 • Add a Google Button to your browser
 • Vote for Google in Webby Award contest

 • Family Filter on the way
 • Google Goes International
 • Better Duplicate-Result Suppression

 • Free WebSearch on your site-Update
 • Subscribe to our High-End Silver/Gold Search Packages
 • Advertise on Google!

Dear Google Friends,

Welcome to the March edition of the Google-Friends Newsletter! This is your source for the inside scoop on the world's best search engine. We have lots of exciting news we want to share with you, our most loyal Googlers.

Become a Google Affiliate

Now you can reap financial as well as karmic rewards for telling your friends about Google. By signing up for our affiliate program at <http://www.google.com/affiliates/welcome.html> you'll be able to place a Google search box on your site and begin receiving 3 cents for each search you send our way. It's our way of saying thanks to all of you who have been spreading the word about searching the Google way.

Add a Google Button to your Browser

Adding Google Browser Buttons to your personal toolbar gives you convenient access to Google's great search technology from anywhere on the web. The buttons are easy to add and will put the information you need one click away from wherever you happen to be.

  • The Google Search button enables you to search the Internet by simply highlighting a word or phrase on the page you are viewing and clicking the button. If no word is highlighted, the button pops up a search box that you can use for a regular Google search.

  • The GoogleScout button is useful for finding web pages that are similar to the page you are viewing. For example, clicking the GoogleScout button while viewing a company's page will often show that company's competitors.

  • The Google.com button takes you to directly to Google's home page with just one click.

Vote for Google in Webby Award Contest

The Webbys are coming and Google is a finalist in the "technical achievement" category!

Cast your vote for Google before May 11 to help us win "The People's Voice Award" and you just might drive away in an Audi TT Roadster. Vote at <http://www.webbyawards.com/peoplesvoice/> today!

Family Filter on the Way

We've heard your request for a "family filter", so in the coming weeks we'll be introducing a safe Google search option. This is useful for parents who want to shield their children from objectionable content that may appear in results for seemingly innocent searches. Stay tuned!

Google Goes International

Hold on to your beret. Google will soon be going French. And German. And Italian, Swedish, Finnish, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Norwegian, and Danish. With so many of our loyal users around the world, it only seems fair to offer our search services in a variety of linguistic flavors. A launch date isn't set yet, but it will be bientôt.

We'll Just Tell You Once: No More Duplicate Results

Expect less from Google . . . less in the way of duplicate results!

Thanks to some engineering wizardry, we've dramatically reduced those pesky duplicate entries. This means better results returned with each search query.

Another improvement you may notice is a reduction in the number of returns from a single site. This means even if there are thousands of relevant pages on a single computer, you'll only get the first two, plus a link to "more results from host.com". In the old days you might have waded through multiple pages of results from one machine before getting to the next entry. Try searching on "java" and you'll see why this is so important.

Free WebSearch On Your Site Update

Add the world's best search engine to your site-for free! More than 13,000 sites have done so already in the six weeks since we've launched this program. Free WebSearch lets you put your logo on Google search returns with a link back to your site. Find more information at <http://services.google.com/cobrand/free_trial>.

If you would prefer to earn cash by sending people directly to Google, check out our new affiliate program at <http://www.google.com/affiliates/welcome.html>.

Subscribe to Our High-End Silver/Gold Search Packages

Do you represent a small business that's looking to add low-cost, no-hassle, high-quality search functionality to your site?

Consider our Silver and Gold WebSearch packages, which provide a fully customized interface and extensive reporting services. We've automated the process so you can subscribe and pay all at one site: <http://www.google.com/websearch_programs.html>.

Advertise on Google

Do you need to reach net-savvy, highly experienced Google users like yourself? Google now offers text-based, highly targeted advertising served along with search results to enhance the Google search experience.

Find more information about our Ad program at <http://www.google.com/adv/intro.html>

We encourage you to pass this newsletter on to anyone you know with an interest in Google. To subscribe to the Google Friends Newsletter, please visit: http://www.google.com/contact/newsletter.html

To unsubscribe, send an empty message to: google-friends-unsubscribe@egroups.com