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Google Friends Newsletter for March 11, 2002

 • Why we sell advertising, not search results
 • Keyword: Results – CPC Pricing and Google's AdWords Select
 • Don't Be Just a Google User, Be a Googler: We're Hiring
 • Coding for Fun and Fabulous Prizes: Our First Programming Contest
 • Meet the Guy Who Does the Doodles: Our One-Man Art Dept.
 • Google in a Box: Introducing the Google Search Appliance
 • The Google Store Re-Opens for Business

Dear Google Friends,

March blew in like a lion at Google and shows no signs of leaving any other way. The Googleplex is jumping with new people and new products and the energy level ratchets up just a bit more with each passing day. Already this year, Google has:

  • Created AdWords Select, a new advertising service based on cost-per-click pricing with several unique enhancements
  • Launched the Google Search Appliance, an integrated hardware and software Google-in-a-box for corporate networks
  • Improved the basic functionality of Google Search to make it even more comprehensive and accurate

Read on to learn more about Google's latest news and offerings.

Why we sell advertising, not search results

One thing you'll never see for sale on Google is better placement in our search results. While we do offer advertising above and to the right of the web pages our search finds, it's always clearly set apart and labeled "sponsored links." No one can buy positions in the results themselves. We believe it's essential that you and other Google users be able to distinguish what's been paid for and what hasn't. To read more on this topic, go to: http://www.google.com/honestresults.html

We also don't run pop-up advertising on Google. If you see it there, it's most likely because another program on your computer has inserted it onto the Google page. We have some suggestions about how to identify programs that do this and how to remove them if you're so inclined. You can find that information here: http://www.google.com/help/nopopupads.html

For more information about our advertising program, visit: http://www.google.com/ads/

Keyword: Results – CPC Pricing and Google's AdWords Select

Google advertisers already know what we mean when we say "It's all about results." Google's keyword-based text ads have averaged 5 times the number of clickthroughs of traditional banner ads elsewhere. Now, Google offers another way to get a message across: AdWords Select.

AdWords Select ads also use keyword targeting to ensure relevance, but can be purchased on a cost-per-click basis. This means an advertiser only pays when someone clicks on the ad they've purchased. And like the original AdWords program, AdWords Select is entirely self-service and can be purchased with a credit card. Moreover, ads go up instantly. Fast, highly targeted and easy to use. You might say it's the Google of online advertising services.

Try AdWords Select or learn more about it at: https://adwords.google.com/select/main?cmd=Login

Don't Be Just a Google User, Be a Googler: We're Hiring

Do you like challenges? Want a chance to make life better for lots of people on a daily basis? Know how to play roller hockey or have an extensive lava lamp collection? If the answer is yes, consider joining the team at Google. We're hiring in most of our departments and need talented engineers, sales people and user support representatives. If you'd like to enjoy the collegial camaraderie, tasty treats and rewarding work that abound in the Googleplex, check out our jobs page and send us your resume.

Our current openings can be found at: http://www.google.com/jobs/index.html

Coding for Fun and Fabulous Prizes: Our First Programming Contest

Do you get your kicks writing code? Would you like to run your ones and zeroes across Google's extensive index of web pages and pick up a hefty chunk of change in the process? Then you'll want to check out Google's first annual programming contest. Just throw together a bit of code that does something interesting with our data and ship it our way. If your effort is the best we receive, you could win:

  • $10,000 in cash
  • VIP visit to Google's headquarters in Mountain View, California
  • A chance to run your prize-winning code on Google's multi-billion document repository (circumstances permitting)

All the details are available online at: http://www.google.com/programming-contest/

Meet the Guy Who Does the Doodles: Our One-Man Art Dept.

"During the Olympics, when a speed-skating fox, a bear pushing a curling stone and other cutesy images adorned the Google logo on the popular Internet search engine, hundreds of users wrote in to compliment the art department. That provoked a lot of laughs at Google headquarters, because the "art department" is just one guy: Dennis Hwang, a 23-year-old Web programmer, who whips up the doodles in his spare time, usually for holidays.

So began Associated Press writer Brian Bergstein's profile of Google's assistant webmaster. The story appeared in newspapers and online news sites around the globe and gave a great inside look into how the Google logos are developed. Not to mention giving recognition to one of Google's hardest working unsung heroes.

Find a link to the AP story and a selection of other Google news at: http://www.google.com/press/press.html

Check out Dennis' past logo creations for the home page at: http://www.google.com/holidaylogos.html

Google in a Box: Introducing the Google Search Appliance

Google's got a new look. It's long, lean and yellow. We're talking about the new Google Search Appliance, an integrated hardware and software product that searches corporate networks.

Ever since Google began, users have opined that they wanted search for their company networks that was as fast, accurate and easy to use as Google. Now they have one. The Google Search Appliance takes only a short time to set up and searches web pages, Microsoft Office documents, PDF, PostScript, and dozens of other file types. Feedback so far has been universally positive and Google Search Appliances are flying out the door as quickly as we can build them in our Box Office.

To learn more about the Google Search Appliance or to order one for your network, visit http://www.google.com/appliance/

The Google Store Re-Opens for Business

The Google Store is back in business after a short hiatus. We've moved hosting of the site to our own servers to ensure it's open every day (and night) for your Google goodie needs. You'll find all your favorites there, including Google Gel-oogle pens and the Googleplex Polar Fleece Vest. If you've never given a Google gift, now's a great time to start.

Are you feeling shoppy?


This year is off to a great start for Google. Our thanks for your interest and support as we continue to grow. We look forward to sharing news with you throughout the coming months and wish you the best.

The Google Team

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