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Google Friends Newsletter for May 18, 1998

Welcome to the google-friends mailing list. We wanted to let you know about some new Google features we have been working on before we announce them on the main web page.

  • You can now find the backlinks of a web page by using "link: <url>", for example "link: google.stanford.edu/" (no http:// and you should put a / on the end of a hostname).

  • You can get the backlinks of a search result by clicking on the PageRank bar.

  • To get the forward links of a page use "flink: <url>".

  • We have added searches over subsets of our documents: Search Stanford: http://google.stanford.edu/stanford or the computer science department at Stanford: Search Stanford: http://google.stanford.edu/cs

We are gearing up to do another crawl. We should start within a few weeks.

  • To add a URL for us to crawl use: http://google.stanford.edu/addurl To limit spam, we will only use a few added URL's from each site so we recommend you only add the home page of a set of pages and let our crawler do the rest.

As you have probably noticed we have made some interface changes (improvements?) over the past couple weeks. I created a new logo using Gimp (of course). We also worked on the output formatting. Our thanks go to Phillip Kallerman for a number of improvements.

Google has now been up for over a month with the current database and we would like to hear back from you. How do you like the search results? What do you think of the new logo and formatting? Do the new features work for you?

Comments, criticisms, bugs, ideas, ... welcome.

-- Larry and Sergey

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