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Google Friends Newsletter for May 2005

 • Power Tips
 • Recent Google Launches
 • Miscellany

We didn’t plan on having such a long hiatus from this newsletter, and for that we apologize. Aside from other projects we’ve worked on lately, we’ve revamped this newsletter. Each month from now on you’ll see an insider’s roundup of Google tips, insights into our products, plus stuff that inspires us.

And you might have noticed a new email address for Google Friends, because we've moved the list to a newly updated and much-improved (if we do say so ourselves) Google Groups.

Administrivia alert: There are new Google Groups Terms of Service for subscribers to Google Friends. Please review them – see links at the end of this newsletter

Power Tips

* If you’re expecting a package, Google gives you an easy way to (a) track it from the major shippers (UPS, USPS, FedEx), or (b) track it even if you don’t know the shipper. Both are possible with the number tracking feature.
Number tracking:

* Go beyond standard categories (restaurant, hotel) in Google Local to search more specifically for what you *really* want, such as [brick oven pizza] or [inexpensive hotel] or [brunch “great view”].

Recent Google Launches

Google Desktop Search
This small (700k) application was built to help you find all kinds of files on your own hard drive, including Office files, email, AIM chats, PDFs, plus music, images, video, and more. (Windows only)

Google Local with Maps
A global search is fine, but there’s nothing like local service listings, business hours and directions when you’re near home or on the road. Now with dynamic maps and satellite views.

Customized News
Whether you’re fascinated by Beyonce, the UN, cold fusion, or Lance Armstrong, configure Google News your way to follow the stories and topics of interest to you.

My Search History
This is a very handy way to locate web pages you found once and want to see again.

Search for Movies, Weather, Stock Quotes
The Google search box accommodates more kinds of searches than ever.
Movies: http://www.google.com/help/features.html#movies
Weather: http://www.google.com/help/features.html#weather
Stocks: http://www.google.com/help/features.html#stock

Google Video
Search the closed captioning of TV programs to find cool quotes from your favorite shows, or discover shows you didn’t know were on. Learn more about an individual program, see still images from it, and find out when it will air next.


“The long tail” is a provocative idea currently making waves in business circles. The phrase, coined by Wired editor Chris Anderson, refers to the greater market opportunity there is today for all kinds of information, thanks to the Internet. Books needn’t go out of print, for example, and niche publishers have a much better chance of finding a larger audience than they could before. “Small” films, TV shows, and other content can now find more of an audience around the world for longer periods of time than was previously possible. Google, eBay, and Amazon are just three companies among many benefiting from various effects of the long tail. Anderson is writing a book on this topic, and his blog features real-world examples and comments from thoughtful readers.
The Long Tail: www.thelongtail.com

The Google Blog features insights from Googlers on technology, our products and the company at large.

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