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Google Friends Newsletter for October 5, 1999

In this issue:

 • New Feature: GoogleScout!
 • Website Redesign
 • Google Traffic Increases 88%!
 • Google Goodies
 • New Search Products
 • Business Partners
 • Want a job?
 • Google Gets Great Press
 • Feedback

Dear Google Friends!

Welcome to Vol. I, Issue 3 of the Google Friends newsletter! This mailing contains the latest scoop about some hot new developments at Google. We have some very exciting news to report, and we want to share it with you!

New Feature: GoogleScout!

Google has introduced a new search feature called GoogleScout, which offers a list of sites related to each search result! GoogleScout uses advanced technology to make finding information and navigating the web faster and easier. Google offers GoogleScout links with each returned result. Clicking on GoogleScout will instantly provide you with an additional list of urls that contain related information.

Website Redesign

Google has launched a redesigned, feature-enhanced version of our website! With the launch of the new Google site and the introduction of GoogleScout, Google completes a successful and widely publicized beta test, which is based on more than three years of advanced research at Stanford University's Computer Science Department. We have gained a strong and loyal base of users over the past year, and we currently support 3 million to 4 million searches a day. We want to reassure fans of our beta site that our new website has been designed to retain Google's clean, elegant and easy-to-use interface. It offers revised content and a more intuitive navigational structure. To enhance your search experience and to enable Google to provide premium service, we will soon begin a trial run of highly targeted and intelligent advertising. Please let us know what you think of the changes!

Google Traffic Increases 88%!

Google topped the list of search engines that showed significant month-over-month growth in unique audience size in July, according to Nielsen//NetRatings results released in August. The Nielsen//NetRatings report showed that while unique audience growth for the Top Ten Portals/Search Engines in July increased only 2.1 percent, Google led the pack of search engines that show significant growth by posting an 88 percent gain in unique visitors in July. The Nielsen//NetRatings study was released Aug. 16, 1999 and monitors web sites by property, domain, and unique site.

Google Goodies

You may now proudly enjoy high-quality clothes, accessories, and toys that sport the name of your favorite search engine! Our redesigned destination site features a link to a new Google Store. Google Goodies offered include caps, t-shirts, polo shirts, sweatshirts, bumper stickers, and even those famous oversized rubber exercise balls that double as chairs and can be found throughout the GooglePlex, Google office headquarters.

New Search Products

We would like to announce two new search products for webmasters: WebSearch and SiteSearch. WebSearch is a fully hosted search solution that allows your visitors to conduct web searches on your site, with the results delivered using your template, retaining the look-and-feel and overall design of your web site. With SiteSearch, Google will spider and crawl your own web site and provide your visitors with the ability to search your own website's content in your own template. WebSearch and SiteSearch are both services, not software packages. So, Google handles all maintenance and technical support.

We will also soon launch the Google Affiliate program so you can put a "Search the Web with Google" box on your website. Please visit the "Linking to Google" page at <http://www.google.com/searchcode.html> for more information. In the future, Google plans to offer an incentive to Google Affiliates for each referral to the Google home page.

Google Momentum

Google has developed some exciting relationships with other businesses over the past few months. In June, Netscape incorporated Google as the fall-through search for Netscape Search, and now features Google as a premier search provider on the Netcenter portal. Other Google business customers include RedHat, Inc., a leading developer and provider of open source Linux-based operating system; wunderground.com, the market innovator for Web-based weather delivery; and Gobi, a leading technology service provider.

Want a Job?

Looking for a start-up adventure? Google is the leading designer of the next generation search engine. We are rapidly hiring talented people to bring the latest and greatest technology to the web. Visit <http://www.google.com/jobs.html> for further details.

Google Gets Great Press
  • Newsweek magazine

    Staffers singled out Google as a favorite search engine in the magazine's 9/20/00 Special Report edition on "e-Life: How the Internet is changing America."

  • Business Week e.Biz, 9/29/99

    "Whether you're seeking obscure scientific data, or just the shortest route to a corporate homepage, Google's approach produces magical results."

  • USA TODAY Hot Sites, 9/27/99

    Searching the Web just got easier - with the addition of a new feature at the search service Google that hunts down related info. Whenever you find a citation that looks interesting, just click on the GoogleScout link and you'll get a list of associated stuff.


We take user comments seriously and we always welcome suggestions. Drop us a line at comments@g... and let us know what you're thinking.


Larry Page, CEO and co-founder
Sergey Brin, President and co-founder

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