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Google Friends Newsletter for October 30, 2000

 • Advertising for everyone: Google's AdWords Program
 • Get Stock quotes using Google
 • Google takes on the Big Apple
 • Google wins WIRED Readers Raves Award
 • Google Olympic Doodles
 • Check out Google's new About Pages

Dear Google Friends,

With Halloween right around the corner, there are lots of strange noises and things going bump in the night around the Googleplex. Nothing to fear though, it's just our engineering staff burning the midnight oil to launch the latest breakthroughs in search technology. The only thing scary about them is the quantity of midnight snack foods they consume. Read on to find out about the latest and greatest Google has to offer...

Highly targeted ads for you and for me...Google introduces AdWords.

Now you don't need to be Darren Stevens to launch a highly targeted, cost-effective ad campaign online. Google's AdWords offers a simple, quick and efficient way to present your message to Google users searching for information on the product or service you have to sell. It's as easy as 1-2-3. Create your ads, select your keywords, open an account and you're instantly live and nationwide. With AdWords, your text ads appear on search result pages for the keywords you select. For more information on the AdWords program, check out our Frequently Asked Questions or go straight to the sign up page to begin creating ads.

Now it's even easier to obsess over your portfolio. To get stock quotes using Google, just enter a ticker symbol.

Now you can use Google to get stock and mutual fund information. Just enter into our search box one or more NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX, or mutual fund ticker symbols, or the name of a corporation traded on one of the stock indices. Google will lead you directly to the relevant stock and mutual fund information from a number of different sources.

Give it a try at: http://www.google.com/promote.html

If we can make it here, we can make it anywhere! Google in New York.

Google takes its casual Silicon Valley style to the Big City of Dreams with a brand new office in New York's Rockefeller Center. Don't expect to see engineers bouncing on brightly colored rubber balls, however. The office is home to our national sales team who are set to tackle Madison Avenue and convince them that Google is best way to target their advertising effectively. With our ad clickthrough rates at 4-5 times the industry average, Google seems to have found a way to make ads as relevant as search results.

It's not just the caffeine that's got us WIRED: Google wins Readers Raves Award.

Google joined Napster, Bill Joy, Spike Jonze, Palm VII, and the PT Cruiser as winners at WIRED magazine's Readers Raves Awards Gala on October 12, 2000. Google was chosen over HotBot, My Simon, Northern Light and DealTime.com as the "Most Intelligent Agent" on the Internet by some of the web's most intelligent users. The event was emceed by comedian David Spade and featured Courtney Love, Daisy Fuentes, San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown and Thomas Dolby as celebrity award presenters. Winners were chosen in 17 categories by more than 15,000 WIRED enthusiasts.

Google Kangaroo leaps to glory in Sydney Games.

Thanks to all of you who sent feedback on our Google Doodle for the recently completed games Down Under. Missed the Olympian efforts of our star marsupial? Relive the glory of his triumphant performance at http://www.google.com/doodle3.html

Google gets a makeover: Check out our new look on our All About Google pages.

Did you know there's more to Google than our pretty homepage and stellar search results? You can find out all about our company, our technology and our roller hockey team by visiting the All About Google pages on our site. We've just redesigned them to make it even easier to find all the Googly details you're looking for.

Keep on Googlin,

Larry and Sergey

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