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Google Friends Newsletter for September 6, 2002

 • Dances With Bots: Google meets the webmasters
 • In the Land of the Penguin: Google at LinuxWorld
 • "Google in a Box" at the University of Florida
 • "I Got My Google Through The New York Times"
 • Sneak Peeks and Prototypes: Google Labs
 • Google Programming Contest Winner: Geographic Search
 • It's in the bag: Win big with the Google Quiz
 • Imagine Working at Google: We're Hiring

Dear Google Friends,

We always love to hear from Google users, and the past couple of weeks have given us some great opportunities to talk with those who know Google inside and out. We've rubbed elbows with webmasters, programmers, advertisers, and other search aficionados, learning what makes them happy and what might make them happier. Read on for the latest news from the Googleplex.

Dances With Bots: Google meets the webmasters

This year's Search Engine Strategies conference in San Jose attracted hundreds of webmasters, who swapped secrets for getting more love and traffic from their favorite search engines. One of the recurring topics of discussion was the extraordinary effectiveness of keyword-based advertising programs like Google's AdWords Select and premium sponsorships. Many attendees had great success stories to share and stopped by the Google booth to relay them first hand. Others had questions about Googlebot (the software agent that crawls websites for Google) and website optimization.

Given their interest in all things Google-ish, it was only natural to invite everyone to come up to the Googleplex to get acquainted and get down with the Google team. The Google Dance – named for the ranking shifts whenever Google rolls out a new index – drew more than 400 people who dined al fresco amid a landscape of shagadelic carpets and inflatable exercise balls. To glimpse many of the webmasters who shared their time with Google, visit our picture page at: http://www.google.com/googledance2002/

For more information on how Google's advertising programs can help your business, visit: http://www.google.com/ads/

In the Land of the Penguin: Google at LinuxWorld

The open source Linux operating system that powers Google was the focus of the recent LinuxWorld Conference and Expo in San Francisco. Many in attendance were fans of both Linux and Google and inquisitive about everything from the "flavor" of Linux Google uses to issues Google might have encountered running Linux on more than 10,000 web servers.

In his keynote address, Google co-founder Sergey Brin described the impact of Linux on Google's ability to quickly and cost-effectively serve millions of searches worldwide. Sergey also talked about the nature of innovation and the broader mission of Google itself, which he described as "the application of large-scale computing to solve real important problems."

We used Google to solve the important problem of remembering the name of the penguin mascot for Linux. Don't know? Try clicking here to find out: http://www.google.com/search?&q=linux+penguin+mascot

"Google in a Box" at the University of Florida

Linux is also the operating system for the Google Search Appliance, an all-in-one hardware-based solution for those looking to improve the search capability of their web sites or intranets. Affectionately known as "Google in a box," the bright yellow Google Search Appliance has been warmly received by high-tech companies, government offices and universities throughout the U.S. and Canada.

For the University of Florida, locating the right document quickly was a task akin to finding a three-winged mosquito in a hurricane. Even with 58,000 students, faculty and staff spread across the state and hundreds of servers running on different platforms, the university was able to quickly connect their network to a Google Search Appliance and begin answering search queries for all their users.

UF Web Administrator Mark Trammell was pleased with the results he got from Google. "We took the Google Search Appliance and our previous solution and plugged the top 100 searches from the UF home page into both to see who gave us the most relevant results. Hands down, Google beat the solution we used before"

Among others reporting improved search results with the Google Search Appliance are Boeing, Cisco and National Semiconductor. To read more tales of woe, intrigue and ultimate search success, visit: http://www.google.com/appliance/case1.html

Or learn more about the Google Search Appliance at: http://www.google.com/appliance/

"I Got My Google Through The New York Times"

The past several weeks have found Google in the media for a number of reasons, including announcements about new news partners. Readers of NYTimes.com now see Google search results and advertising integrated into that site's search pages and Boston.com readers will see a similar presence for Google in the fall.

Google's partnership with Ask Jeeves, also made the news, when the search service selected Google to provide advertising for their users beginning in September 2002. And a final newsworthy item was a Brand Keys study that found Google ranks highest in consumer loyalty among all online brands, both in the search category and overall. We have our users to thank for that, and we'd like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude for your vote of confidence.

Sneak Peeks and Prototypes: Google Labs

Always wanted to play mad scientist, but couldn't get mom to buy you a Tesla coil? Step into Google Labs and play around with some prototypes not quite ready for prime time. Google Labs projects in development currently include Google Glossary (finds definitions), Google Sets (finds items like those you specify) and Google Voice Search. Try them out and send your feedback directly to the Googlers developing them. Of course we can't guarantee your results, but we can guarantee you'll see strange and wondrous sights never before beheld by mere mortals. Don't forget your safety goggles.

The secret entrance to Google Labs can be found at: http://labs.google.com/

Google Programming Contest Winner: Geographic Search

And speaking of unorthodox development paths, Google announced its first annual Programming Contest last February. After weighing the merits of an extraordinary set of entries, the $10,000 prize was awarded to Daniel Egnor of New York. Daniel's "Geographic Search" project lets a search user limit matches to those close to a specific address – useful for answering such everyday questions as "Is there an Indian restaurant within walking distance?" To achieve this, the Cal Tech alumnus converted street addresses to latitude – longitude coordinates, then indexed the resulting data. The program impressed the judges, and though it hasn't been integrated into Google, it offered some interesting directions for our research group to pursue. To read up on other worthy entries, go to: http://catalogs.google.com/programming-contest/winner.html

It's in the bag: Win big with the Google Quiz

Here's a chance to show your search smarts and win something for the effort. Take the Google Quiz and you could walk away with a Timbuk2 messenger bag or one of dozens of other stylish prizes on which we've stitched, glued or otherwise plastered our Google logo. Question topics range from art, film, and music to the contents of the Google Store – and yes, you can use Google to find the answers. The contest ends September 20th, so don't delay. For full details, visit: http://www.google.com/googlequiz.html

Imagine Yourself at Google: We're Hiring

If your affection for Google is matched only by your desire to make it better, consider joining the Google team. Your work will affect millions of people all over the world – and you'll receive excellent benefits including free healthy meals. Most of our departments are hiring, with several openings in our engineering group. Do you yearn to apply your world-class programming skills where you can make a real difference? Then check out our jobs page and send us your resume. Our current openings are listed at: http://www.google.com/jobs/index.html

Some reasons to pursue an engineering career at Google can be found at: http://www.google.com/jobs/great-people-needed.html

These are exciting times at Google. Thanks for your interest and support as we continue to grow. We look forward to sharing news with you in the coming months and wish you the very best.

The Google Team

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