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Premium Service FAQ

How is the campaign billed?

We bill based on CPC, or cost-per-click, pricing. You pay only for clicks you've received on your ads.

How soon can I get started?

You can get started immediately by completing the inquiry form.

What is the minimum budget?

Our minimum investment is $10,000 per month for three months. If you expect to spend less, consider managing your own AdWords campaign online.

Will running an advertising campaign on Google improve my search placement?

Google's results are not affected by an advertising purchase. For more information on how Google results are generated, please read our technology page.

How do I get my site listed on Google?

For more information about listing your site or about Google PageRank please see:

How am I billed? What are my payment options?

Advertisers with good credit are billed monthly based on actual clicks delivered. Advertisers may also pay by credit card.

Does Google accept 3rd party ad serving?

No, we currently do not accept any 3rd party ad serving.

Does Google accept rich media or pop-up ads?

No, Google ads are all text only and appear on the same page as our search results. We have found this approach provides users with the most relevant ads in a format that generates the highest clickthrough rates.

Can I manage my account online?

Yes, we have a full online reporting tool for advertisers accessible 24/7.

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