Madhu Coolre
2718 CV Raman Lane, Ghatkoper, Mumbai 500077, India
Phone: 91-22-1234-5678
computing, real-time systems, machine learning
- M.S., Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley, 2000. GPA:
- B.S., Computer Science, IIT-Bombay, 1998. CPI: 8.9/10.0
Hyper Computing Labs (Aug 1997 -
Dec 1999); Member of Technical Staff, Faster Systems Lab.
Designed and implemented an event management system to be used in aggregating
data events from multiple sources in real-time and applying predefining rulesets
to the data for insurance claim processing. It implemented client side buffering.
The server side was designed to be a stateless systolic array, allowing high
throughput and enabling arbitrarily large numbers of rules to be applied to
event data. This system was deployed in Dec 2002, and is now processing 40
million events a day.
- Blade Jumper Research (Jun
00 - Dec 01); Software engineer
Tech lead of team of six engineers, which successfully developed a data acquisition and control system. I was responsible for the overall design and developed the control algorithms, device drivers and test-framework. This is a real-time system written in C++, which obtains and displays sensor data and generates EKFs for near-optimal control of actuators. The system was designed to be general purpose, and has controlled systems as diverse as galactic IP networks and global manufacturing operations.
- Andromeda Control Systems (Jun
99- Aug 99); graduate intern
Conceived and implemented a system to generate true optimal control strategies
for unmanned submarines and ion powered spacecraft. This was a first application
of genetic algorithms to the optimal control problem of a constrained non-linear
system. Resulted in 4% reduction in fuel mass compared to prior work (sub-optimal
spline based Newtonian optimization).
- Patents
- Filed patent on "System for applying expensive rules to real-time
data "
- Filed patent on "Method for generating optimal continuous control
strategies for inertial machines operating in 3D space"
- Selected Publications
(3 of 12)
- Coolre, et al, “Optimizing World Wide Web Caching Servers using Distributed Probes”, Seventh
International World Wide Web conference, 1998.
- Coolre, et al, “Floor Control for Large Scale BackBone Controllers”,
Proc. of the Fifth Cool Cooperative Controller Conf, 1999 .
- Coolre, "Large Scale IP Multicast Networks: Design, Challenges and Experiences", IEEE Super Network, 2001.
- Awards, Scholarships, References
- References to work in featured article in Artificial Intelligence,
AAAI; 2 IEEE conf papers; 1 media article
- National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship
- Awarded UC Berkeley departmental fellowship
- Tau Beta Pi
- Organic Gummybear award for nicest student mentor
Languages: C++, C, Perl, Java
Platforms: Unix, Mac OS