Google Zeitgeist - Search patterns, trends, and surprises according to Google

2001 Year-End Google Zeitgeist available here.

February 2002
Top 10 Gaining Queries
Feb. 2002

     1. winter olympics

     2. anni friesinger

     3. valentinstag

     4. california lottery

     5. jamie sale

     6. chinese new year
     7. mardi gras
     8. curling
     9. superbowl commercials
   10. daniel pearl
Top 10 Declining Queries
Feb. 2002

     1. 1901 census

     2. euro

     3. lord of the rings

     4. australian open

     5. herr der ringe

     6. golden globes

     7. kim schmitz

     8. survivor

     9. john nash

   10. Chu Mei-Feng

Top Valentine Searches
Feb. 2002

     1. valentine cards

     2. valentine

     3. valentinstag

     4. valentines day

     5. love poems

     6. flowers
     7. san valentin
     8. valentine poems
     9. saint valentin
   10. valentijn
Web Browsers Used To Access Google
March - February 2002
Line Graph: Browsers Used to Access Google: Line Graph, March - January 2002
Top Misspelled File Sharing Services Feb. 2002

        1. morpheous

        2. kazza

        3. morphius

        4. audio galaxi

        5. kaaza

Translations / Day
Feb. 2002
Google Image Search
Top Olympians -
Feb. 2002

        1. anni friesinger

        2. michelle kwan

        3. jamie sale

        4. sarah hughes

        5. kari traa


German Google Search Queries

Popular Search Queries on - Feb. 2002

     1. Anni Friesinger

     2. Valentinstag

     3. Arbeitsamt

     4. Herr der Ringe

     5. Horoskop

     6. Fasching
     7. Stiftung Warentest
     8. Auktionen
     9. Deutsche Bahn
   10. Lufthansa
Top Valentine Searches on - Feb. 2002

        1. Valentinstag

        2. Grusskarten

        3. Liebe

        4. Rosen

        5. Liebesgedichte


Top Women Searched on - Feb. 2002

     1. Britney Spears

     2. Anni Friesinger

     3. Jennifer Lopez

     4. Sarah Connor

     5. Pamela Anderson

     6. Anna Kournikova
     7. Shakira
     8. Heidi Klum
     9. Madonna
   10. Claudia Schiffer


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Updated: April 2, 2001

Zeitgeist Explained...
zeit·geist | Pronunciation: 'tsIt-"gIst, 'zIt | Function: noun | Etymology: German, from Zeit (time) + Geist (spirit) | Date: 1884 | Meaning: the general intellectual, moral, and cultural climate of an era
By permission from Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary at by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated.

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