Google Zeitgeist - Search patterns, trends, and surprises according to Google

2001 Year-End Google Zeitgeist available here.

January 2002
Top 10 Gaining Queries
January 2002

     1. 1901 census

     2. orlando bloom

     3. australian open

     4. john nash

     5. martin luther king

     6. survivor
     7. weight watchers
     8. euro
     9. Chu Mei-Feng
   10. imac
Top 10 Declining Queries
January 2002

     1. christmas cards

     2. toys

     3. segway

     4. george harrison

     5. best buy

     6. digital cameras

     7. pearl harbor

     8. nikolaus

     9. osama bin laden

   10. hanukkah

Languages Used to Access Google - January 2002
Pie Chart: Languages Used to Access Google - English: 57%, German: 12%, Japanese: 7%, Spanish: 6%, French: 5%, Chinese: 3%, Italian: 2%, Other: 8%
Web Browsers Used To Access Google
March - January 2002
Line Graph: Browsers Used to Access Google: Line Graph, March - January 2002
Operating Systems Used to Access Google - Jan. 2002
graph: weight watchers   graph: elijah wood vs. josh hartnett

Google Image Search Queries

Top Cars
January 2002

        1. ferrari

        2. bmw

        3. porsche

        4. mercedes

        5. lamborghini

Top International Stars
January 2002
Translations / Day
Top Artists
January 2002

        1. van gogh

        2. monet

        3. magritte

        4. leonardo da vinci

        5. escher

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Updated: March 12, 2001

Zeitgeist Explained...
zeit·geist | Pronunciation: 'tsIt-"gIst, 'zIt | Function: noun | Etymology: German, from Zeit (time) + Geist (spirit) | Date: 1884 | Meaning: the general intellectual, moral, and cultural climate of an era
By permission from Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary at by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated.

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