Google Zeitgeist - Search patterns, trends, and surprises according to Google

2001 Year-End Google Zeitgeist available here.

June 2002
Top 10 Gaining Queries
June 2002

     1. world cup

     2. fifa

     3. coupe du monde

     4. wimbledon

     5. wm 2002

     6. neverwinter nights
     7. big brother
     8. mundial 2002
     9. american idol
   10. the who
Top 10 Declining Queries
June 2002

     1. star wars

     2. pim fortuyn

     3. muttertag

     4. eurovision

     5. survivor

     6. natalie portman

     7. kentucky derby

     8. le pen

     9. chandra levy

   10. judith soltesz-benetton

Top Health and Fitness Queries - June 2002

     1. diabetes

     2. pregnancy

     3. viagra

     4. anorexia
     5. fitness
     6. medline
     7. yoga
     8. massage
     9. weight watchers
   10. health
Operating Systems Used to Access Google - June 2002
Pie Chart: Operating Systems Used to Access Google - Windows98: 46%, Windows2000: 18%, WindowsXP: 14%, WindowsNT: 7%, Macintosh: 4%, Linux: 1%, Other: 5%

June 2002

         Jack Buck

         John Entwistle

         Darryl Kile

         Dee Dee Ramone

Searches for the event during the month which it took place.
Web Browsers Used To Access Google
March 2001 - June 2002
Line Graph: Browsers Used to Access Google: Line Graph, March - June 2002
Languages Used to Access Google
March 2001 - June 2002
Area Graph: Languages Used to Access Google - May 2002

Google Image Search Queries

Top Soccer Players
June 2002

        1. david beckham

        2. ronaldo

        3. michael owen

        4. oliver kahn

        5. francesco totti

Serena vs. Venus
June 2002

Searches during June   
Top Clothing Brands
June 2002

        1. nike

        2. adidas

        3. benetton

        4. gucci

        5. hugo boss

International Google Zeitgeist

United Kingdom
Top World Cup Queries
June 2002

        1. world cup

        2. david beckham

        3. football

        4. fifa

        5. michael owen

Popular Queries
June 2002

     1. world cup

     2. bbc

     3. spiderman

     4. david beckham

     5. gareth gates

     6. currency converter
     7. easyjet
     8. kylie minogue
     9. wimbledon
   10. british airways
Top Brands
June 2002

        1. british airways

        2. tesco

        3. thomas cook

        4. ikea

        5. debenhams

Top World Cup Queries
June 2002

        1. wm 2002

        2. michael ballack

        3. dfb

        4. david beckham

        5. oliver kahn

Popular Queries
June 2002

     1. wm 2002

     2. musikschule

     3. gta3

     4. ard

     5. ranma

     6. sonne

     7. drachen

     8. flaggen

     9. mangas

   10. schwacke

Popular Musicians
June 2002

        1. no angels

        2. anastacia

        3. alizee

        4. kylie minogue

        5. sarah connor

Top World Cup Queries
June 2002

        1. world cup

        2. mundial 2002

        3. mundial de futbol

        4. fifa

        5. futbol

Popular Queries
June 2002

     1. eDonkey

     2. marca

     3. david bisbal

     4. world cup

     5. chenoa

     6. horoscopo

     7. harry potter

     8. renfe

     9. fifa

   10. madrid

Popular Musicians
June 2002

        1. las ketchup

        2. alex ubago

        3. salsa baile

        4. thalia

        5. eminem

Top World Cup Queries
June 2002

     1. coupe du monde

     2. fff

     3. football

     4. world cup

     5. fifa 2002

Popular Queries
June 2002

     1. caramail

     2. sncf

     3. coupe du monde

     4. tf1

     5. meteo

     6. loft story
     7. mariage
     8. horoscope
     9. michelin
   10. spiderman
Top Brands
June 2002

        1. sncf

        2. fnac

        3. michelin

        4. air france

        5. degriftour

Top Soccer Players
June 2002

     1. デビッド・ベッカム

     2. 稲本潤一

     3. オリバー・カーン

     4. 鈴木隆行

     5. アン・ジョンファン

Popular Queries
June 2002

     1. 2ちゃんねる

     2. ワールドカップ

     3. ウルトラマンコスモス

     4. サッカー

     5. 父の日

     6. スターウォーズ
     7. 空から降る一億の星
     8. 宇多田ヒカル
     9. 韓国
   10. 協和香料化学
Top Anime Programs
June 2002

        1. シャーマンキング

        2. ONE PIECE

        3. テニスの王子様

        4. あずまんが大王

        5. 犬夜叉

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Updated: July 12, 2002

Zeitgeist Explained...
zeit·geist | Pronunciation: 'tsIt-"gIst, 'zIt | Function: noun | Etymology: German, from Zeit (time) + Geist (spirit) | Date: 1884 | Meaning: the general intellectual, moral, and cultural climate of an era
By permission from Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary at by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated.

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