Google Zeitgeist - Search patterns, trends, and surprises according to Google

2001 Year-End Google Zeitgeist available here.

March 2002
Top 10 Gaining Queries
March 2002

     1. oscars

     2. halle berry

     3. ostern

     4. passover

     5. brooke gordon

     6. dia internacional da mulher
     7. national geographic
     8. ncaa
     9. world trade center
   10. presa canario
Top 10 Declining Queries
March 2002

     1. winter olympics

     2. anni friesinger

     3. california lottery

     4. mardi gras

     5. mlife

     6. curling

     7. san valentin

     8. trillian

     9. grammys

   10. enron

Top Oscar Searches
March 2002

     1. lord of the rings

     2. harry potter

     3. halle berry

     4. a beautiful mind

     5. jennifer connelly

     6. nicole kidman
     7. shrek
     8. moulin rouge
     9. denzel washington
   10. monster's ball
Operating Systems Used to Access Google - March 2002
Pie Chart: Operating Systems Used to Access Google - Windows98: 48%, Windows2000: 17%, WindowsXP: 12%, WindowsNT: 7%, Macintosh: 6%, WindowsXP: 4%, Linux: 1%, Other: 5%

Graph: halle barry vs. jennifer connelly

Top Health Queries
March 2002

        1. dengue

        2. diabetes

        3. hepatitis c

        4. hirschsprung's disease

        5. psoriasis

Top Current Events
March 2002

     1. oscars

     2. dudley moore

     3. israel

     4. rico yan

     5. ncaa tournament

     6. queen mother

     7. california lottery

     8. jeff gordon divorce

     9. milton berle

   10. iditarod

Web Browsers Used To Access Google
March 2001 - March 2002
Line Graph: Browsers Used to Access Google: Line Graph, March - March 2002
Languages Used to Access Google
March 2001 - March 2002
Area Graph: Languages Used to Access Google - March 2002

Google Image Search Queries

Anime Image Searches
March 2002

        1. anime

        2. manga

        3. dragonball z

        4. digimon

        5. goku

March Holiday Searches March 2002

     1. easter

     2. ostern

     3. osterhase

     4. shamrock
     5. osterei
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Updated: May 7, 2002

Zeitgeist Explained...
zeit·geist | Pronunciation: 'tsIt-"gIst, 'zIt | Function: noun | Etymology: German, from Zeit (time) + Geist (spirit) | Date: 1884 | Meaning: the general intellectual, moral, and cultural climate of an era
By permission from Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary at by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated.

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