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 Google Programming Contest

2002 Google Programming Contest Winner

Google is celebrating its fourth year of connecting users to information worldwide by seeking out and rewarding exceptional programming skills. We're pleased to announce that the winner of Google's 2002 Programming Contest competition, and the recipient of the $10,000 cash prize is:

Daniel Egnor
Project title: Geographic Search

Daniel's project adds the ability to search for web pages within a particular geographic locale to traditional keyword searching. To accomplish this, Daniel converted street addresses found within a large corpus of documents to latitude-longitude-based coordinates using the freely available TIGER and FIPS data sources, and built a two-dimensional index of these coordinates. Daniel's system provides an interface that allows the user to augment a keyword search with the ability to restrict matches to within a certain radius of a specified address (useful for queries that are difficult to answer using just keyword searching, such as "find me all bookstores near my house"). We selected Daniel's project because it combined an interesting and useful idea with a clean and robust implementation.

Daniel received a bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Caltech in 1996. He has worked for Microsoft Corporation and XYZFind Corporation, and currently resides in New York City working for a large investment bank.

Honorable Mentions

We would also like to recognize with honorable mentions the following people for their excellent project submissions:

Finally, our thanks to everyone who participated in the Google programming contest. There were many interesting ideas in the submissions we received, and we appreciate the effort that went into creating all of them.

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