In case you haven't heard yet, a dump of SegaSonic Arcade (Prerelease) has been found. Yes, all of the files necessary seem to be here, an entire System 32 game on your hands. ^_^ System 32 games are now emulated by Modeler, make sure to pick up the emu at their website. The files were originally found on Shinobi-Z's Home, home of a System 16 emulator, but were taken down by XOOM. Luckily Geoshock managed to mirror the ROMs before they were taken down, and this is where the files originated from. However, to limit the stress on their servers, I have ported the files to my own. Just download all of the files listed under "ROM Chip", unzip the files and pack them into a single zip file with the appropriate name (see the text file of Modeler) and you'll be set to go. I first must say the format of information was originally by GeoShock. I decided to copy it over because I thought it would be more helpful than just links to each file. Anyway, the files total somewhere around 14.7 Meg, so it might take a while to download. Here you are:
And, just in case I wasn't clear enough, Mr. Sock Puppet will illuminate the situation, "There is an emulator now, but don't bug the creators over slow updates, and definately don't threaten them if they won't give you a beta! We've lost more emulators because people acted like children toward the developers. Patience is a virtue well-valued, and a happy programmer is a dedicated programmer, comprendez vous? ;>" Wow, Mr. Sock Puppet, you good speak so. (Edit: Haven't had the time to upload the process yet, but you can extract sound effects from the Sound ROMs using a WAV program, but you have to play with the frequency setting ot get them intelligble, and they still have static and other problems.) -Kulock Last Updated: 8/30/00 |