If you're interested in the ROM for Sonic Pocket Adventure, you can download it here (674k Zip), and you can download the latest Neo Geo Pocket Color emulator at Zophar's Domain. Is this encouraging piracy? Right, like you can even BUY the game anymore. It's not even in bargain bins for the most part, Neo Geo Pocket and its games were RECALLED after SNK left Europe and America (since the games cartridges are flash ROM, they could be updated with a new game and sold in the Japanese market). Not only did they fail to bring out some of their best games in these markets (Europe got an extremely small shipment of Faseilei, and neither territory got Rockman, a game many, including myself, were looking forward to. That's how they repayed the people who purchased a NGP for the holidays. If I remember correctly, they were in the American handheld market for 8 months. While there were other concerns causing them to move out of the US, did they expect to conquer the market in 8 months after years of Game Boy dominance? Soon after, SNK announced it was closing, which is where the news stands, as of this writing. A lot of the original staff (especially the KoF staff) left for Capcom, so it's not a total loss, and Capcom has the rights to market Capcom vs. SNK (and probably, the way things are going, all future SNK properties). But all of my talk "Buy an NGP!" "Don't emualate if you don't own the game!" ...was for naught. Not even SNK had confidence in themselves. ;> This obviously left me feeling quite burned, but it's for the best, I guess. Because once the Game Boy Advance rolls in, except for the nice little clicky joystick and the SNK properties, the NGPC would've been blown out of the water.
-Kulock Last Updated: 11/5/00 |