As people know, Gaiden's been a pretty heavily-guarded project of mine. It started off as an idea to use several of the assets at the Sonic Fangames HQ that weren't being utilized (at the time, the sprite sets submitted and level designs weren't used in many games), basically an, "Eh, let's credit everybody" game. But I couldn't really get what I wanted, so I tweaked and flat out edited new versions of some of the sprites. Then I replaced this, changed that, made it more complex, until the original idea was kind of lost, since almost none of the submitted works I planned to use existed much, if at all, in the game. But instead, it grew into a nice little work. "What is Gaiden?" You might ask. Basically, "Gaiden" usually means "Side Story". This is basically an adventure running alongside Sonic Adventure, it starts toward the end of Adventure and goes on past the DC game's ending. And now, Gaiden is finally available for download. You can grab it here: SAGaiden.exe (Approx. 15 Meg) (Please note, you WILL need cncs232.dll (284k) to run this game, if you don't have it already, please download it and place it in your Windows/System directory.) This is my first full game release, I hope you enjoy! And make sure the read the text file included, I rambled on a lot in it, but there is a benefit for you doing so... -Kulock Last Updated: 5/16/01 |