Long filename...

You've seen it in just about every cinema scene. Sonic, speed demon that he is, ripping it up through some landscape. Unfortunately, when you get to the actual zones in a Sonic game, often you have to stay at a slow pace to deal with the badniks, obstacles, and platforming. You didn't seem to get the same sense of crossing such a massive amount of terrain in a short time. The special stages were better at it, but limited your terrain to a half-pipe or sphere. Sonic R tried, but just ended up sluggish. Welcome to Sonic 3D.

(Please note, all screenshots are from the original version of the demo and may not represent the refurbished version.)

The Title Screen of the Sand Speedway level demo.Sonic 3D was actually started a while ago, in fact, the oldest project I'm still pursuing. It was an effort in CnC to use some planning and visual tricks (much like those used in Genesis racing games) to allow a psuedo-3D engine, much like the half-pipes in Sonic 2. I came up with a lot of the concepts on my own, and learned a bit from the then-quite-impressive (technically) "Search for Knuckles" demo. I also had a lot of beginning CnC user help from Chris_A/Mantrid.

Gameplay shot of the original Sand Speedway demo.The result so far had been the "Sand Speedway" demo. Basically a sort of time attack mode called "Ring Rush", the level had you racing a timer, as well as actual environment time (the sun would slowly set, and if it got too far the screen darkened, and later the stars came out. Depending on your time, the ending screen would be sunset or night.) You dash through mines littering the track, collecting rings. Your top-5 times are saved for future reference to beat.

"So, that's it then?" you might say. "Your game would consist of running down fields, having things randomly put in your way?" On the contrary. I programmed the original demo to randomly drop the mines to give the demo a bit of replay value (so you can't just learn the pattern to get the best time). I've since come up with a system that will allow a lot of freedom with the engine, to allow multiple types of levels. Want a list of just a few?

  • Organized levels (objects being set in specific locations without hardcoding "Timer Equals...")
  • 3D Mazes
  • Recreations of famous scenes from Sonic CD, the Sonic Anime, and Sonic Adventure
  • And maybe, just maybe... Online Races against other gamers.
'Bad Ending' from Sonic 3D, although it needs to be lightened up slightly. O_o
The last one would be the hardest to implement, but it's definately possible...

So the sun sets on the original version, but I will be working on a new version of the original demo. Basically, I'll just be cleaning up the code slightly, fixing some mistakes and problems I've had time to think over, and do a graphic overhaul (I decided to up the resolution and use Sonic Xtreme sprites for the demo instead, and the full color ones, not those degraded versions already in the alignment files that you'll find in some of the sprite sets...). If all goes well, the demo shouldn't take too long. The full game, though...

Last Updated: 5/16/01

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