Gold MechaGold Mecha's Hoaxes
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Hm, spike projectiles might not be such a bad thing...COMING SOON9/3/99
Silver Sonic turns on the Eggman Mecha in Death Egg Zone (S2). Error with the icon, but otherwise not bad.
Maybe he actually writes his name like that...COMING SOON9/5/99
In a turn of events, Sonic watches Robotnik battle Mecha Sonic.
Your guess is as good as mine.COMING SOON9/5/99
...Even if I explained it, would it really make any more sense? (J/K)
Ah, yes, the winner of the batch. ^_^ (J/K)COMING SOON9/5/99
And it is, too. One of the few good uses of a title card hoax. ^_^
And he's blurry, too! That's extra evil!COMING SOON9/15/99
First Gigantic Chao's, now KILLER FLICKIES! (You can tell what order I code the hoaxes in... ;>)
No icon. We must kill him. (J/K)COMING SOON9/15/99
Chicken in Sonic 2, per the original hoax.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is what Photoshop can do to a hoaxer. (Except there was no gratuitous lens flare.) Don't let it happen to you. (J/K)2/16/00
"I made it in Photoshop 5.5 from various screen shot from Sonic 2, Sonic 3, and Sonic and Knuckles. And my sprite :) It about Sonic fighting Gold Mecha with Semi-Hyper Knuckles coming to help him."
Look, everyone! It's been five minutes! Time for another 'Windows 98 crashes' joke! (J/K)2/19/00
"Here's another hoax for your viewing pleasure. It's of the Sonic 2 Beta crashing as tails enters the screen, I made the error message in Visual Basic and the rest in photoshop. Hope you like it!"
Well, at least it's not SONIC in the Eggomatic...3/1/00
Gold Mecha takes (Robotnik/Eggman)'s Eggomatic for a spin.

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Last Updated: 4/19/00

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