Scott Prower's SpriteScott Prower's Hoaxes
Page 4

This one's kind of hard...COMING SOON9/5/99
Technical hoax time! Give up? The teleporter is completely different looking than the one in Sky Sanctuary.
Wait! The name 'Sonic X-treme' makes sense for THIS!COMING SOON9/5/99
Sonic and Knuckles take a half-pipe with their new skateboards.
He needed the practice for SA? ^_^COMING SOON9/17/99
Tails is a little more reluctant to go snowboarding... *G*
I look quite... evil... *crash of thunder*COMING SOON10/10/99
Scott Prower's B-day! He said less people answered their RSVP than he had hoped, but it still looks like a rockin' party to me! We've got Bo Bayles, Chronic, Jonathan Kim, Kulock, MimeTails, RabidKnux, Rune the Echidna, Scott, Sz, and Toxic. And the rest of you? Are you just "too good" for poor ol' Scott? *sniff* (J/K)
I've got to get to the next Zone so I can cook this Omlette!COMING SOON10/10/99
"Cooking with Sonic & Knuckles". ^_^ Not the usual title card fare.
Knuckles! Turn off the Playchidna Channel! Tails is coming! ...Er... Flying over! ...Ew... I'm sorry I wrote that. But I'm also too lazy to delete it.COMING SOON10/10/99
Knuckles lazies around while the robot he built fights Sonic. The robot's name? Mmmmmeeeeee- Termi-Knuckles! Ha! You thought it was going to be something else, didn't you? ...Didn't you? ...Darn.
That'd make a new intro to Sonic Spinball...COMING SOON10/10/99
Yup, Floating Island: Bad Future.
Hoaxes don't have to make sense, just pretend they do.COMING SOON10/10/99
Gramps goes flipping through Son- Look, I'm just reading what the card says, okay!? (J/K)
I haven't received any more hoaxes since this last batch, maybe he meant it literally. O_o Hopefully not.COMING SOON10/10/99
Scott Prower expresses his distate with title card hoaxes.
Just like Archie, leaving the tail(s) out so (it/they) can implode. O_o *G*COMING SOON10/10/99
Tails gets sick of being left out of one of the coolest zones in Sonic 3, and chases after Sonic in a spacesuit. Note the little American flag. ^_^
This page actually has 11 hoaxes. Don't tell anyone.COMING SOON10/10/99
Vectorman 3 and Knuckles. That lettering must've been a pain.

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Last Updated: 1/27/00

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