| COMING SOON | 1/1/99 |
An excellent speculation on a much more finished version of Sonic Crackers! ^.^ |
 | COMING SOON | 1/2/99 |
An S2 title card for Dust Hill. Why Title Cards? Because one of the original surprises of the S2 Beta was there was no title cards implemented, so... |
 | COMING SOON | 1/2/99 |
And then a Genocide City card... |
 | COMING SOON | 1/2/99 |
...and then the Sonic 2 Beta name for Emerald Hill Zone... |
 | COMING SOON | 1/2/99 |
The author admits that, "the hoax was so simple even a monkey could do it," or something along those lines. If you can't figure it out, I will wing a kupo nut at your noggin. ^.^ |
 | COMING SOON | 1/1/99 |
Another S1 level select, with Sparkling and Clockwork Zones available. |
 | COMING SOON | 1/2/99 |
...and for Neo Green Hill, S2B's name for Aquatic Ruin... |
 | COMING SOON | 1/1/99 |
I always thought this was a great hoax, Robotnik goes up against the Sonic 3 Sonic, who's riding in the Eggomatic (No! Don't run away! This was back when Sonic in the Eggomatic was original! ;>) The picture accidentally got saved as JPG at one point, explaining the slight artifacts, and SecMan didn't have a backup. :/ All well. |
 | COMING SOON | 1/16/99 |
Ahh, the Ego Hoax. ^.^ ;> It's still very good. (Not many S3 title cards were ever hoaxed, strange that...) |
 | COMING SOON | 1/2/99 |
Knuckles admires the master emerald in the newly-discovered Sonic 2 Beta. |