(Info)Wheezerx's Hoaxes
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. . . C'mon, you think up something...COMING SOON8/12/99
Sonic discovers the S2 HPZ emerald in Mystic Cave/Dust Hill! ...I quote from Wheezerx: "This is so simple, someone must have done this before somewhere."
Where's Dan Forden when you need him...COMING SOON8/13/99
Sonic discovers why it's not a good idea to bring the Fire Shield to Oil Ocean Zone. Tails comes to save him, Fire Extinguisher in hand. Very funny. ^_^
The inspiration for Oil Fire (See above): Gasoline Complex.
Sonic enjoyed hopping on the water so much, he did it twice!COMING SOON9/11/99
"Those of you with a watchful eye will note in the ending sequence to Sonic CD there is no cinematic for Tidal Tempest. I fixed that; here we see Sonic splashing into the water."
Heh, heh, heh, little does anyone suspect the huge computer crash when the clocks roll over to... 2004! MWA HA HA!COMING SOON2/28/00
"Like a pheonix rising from the ashes I'm making a comeback (although I was never really gone) and have made a new Sonic hoax! I apologize if I'm shunned from most of the world for bringing up this Y2K thing so long after it's death, but I actually made this hoax last year but never got off my can to send it."

"AAAH! And I had gotten all the Time Stones by Quartz Quadrant..."

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Last Updated: 4/19/00

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