Jan A 
Registered User
(8/4/00 2:45:24 pm)
131+ emblems?! O_o
This is cool: if you don't do any emblems in Knuckles' game (except for C ones), it will give you an Emblem B task for Twinkle Park. Finish it and you'll get an emblem as usual. But wait. The emblem isn't featured anywhere in 'emblem result', but it's still added to the file selection screen! That means you just got an extra, 131th emblem.
I would actually be surprised if this would work, but it's worth a shot. I can't get all the emblems in the game I currently playing, because I screwed up at Super Sonic and can't get out of Hedgehog Hammer. But when I did it on my unfinished game, all the above DID happen, the emblem wasn't added to Result screen, but it WAS added to the total number of emblems. The game even gave me an A task for TP (get all the shards within 1 minute), but needles to say, NO ONE can finish it. ^_^
Can anyone confirm if this works? I'd need someone who has about 2-3 emblems to do, perhaps 1 in Knuckles game...
STH Area 51
Updated almost twice once per year century! Yee Haw! |
(8/4/00 3:11:43 pm)
While we're on the subject, I was playing through an extremely limited game (Only 70% as Sonic, Amy at 70%ish, and everyone else with nothing), to use for screengrabs and stuff. Anyway, I started through as Tails (to get to Mystic Ruin, the Past. Interestingly, his is the best game for exploration and grabs of the scene, since you can't even get stuck into a cinema until after you get the powerup. You can even get a pretty good look at Tikal (instead of only seeing her in cinemas, half of the time with her face the size of the screen ;>). But as I JUST started the game, I learned two or three things...
- If you didn't know, you can get the Jet Anklet immediately at the start of the game. That's kind of silly, considering every other powerup usually makes you wait until halfway through, but technically you only have to fly once unaided by it. :P
- I was heading toward the train... and... I couldn't resist, I jumped on the glass roof and went for Casinopolis. After I beat it (I didn't save, but even if I did, I had a backup of the game.), I tried to leave, but had the "locked in" problem. I can see where you could escape (that door into the station), but no luck. I quit the game, but the "Save" was still in memory, when I had an idea. The trial menu, I could still possibly make the save legit (although I'd really like to be able to escape, go do Windy Valley, then double back and see what the game does when Casinopolis comes around. ;> Probably the Robotnik cinema immediately). To my surprise, the Trial menu only listed "Casinopolis"! It's that smart (or dumb, depending on how you look at it). So I had to give up on the save, for now (I wanted to keep my "No Tails" backup.)
- Okay, restarting as Tails... say, I've just gotten the Jet Anklet again... I could double back to the hotel... aw, I'll just give the barrier one or two goes, I.. ack! On the SECOND attack, even using the cruddy "Ram the Invisible Wall" method, I got in. O_o That's just SICK... But, anyway, since NO levels were beaten, this was the test... and apparently Tails gets no level requirements or Token, no matter what. What a shame.
Yeah, the glitched A Emblems are just about impossible, unfortunately. :/ They don't even work, I actually got Amy's A Casinopolis Requirement (Reach the Balloon in 3 Minutes) but no dice, she still complained...
Jan A 
Registered User
(8/4/00 3:39:00 pm)
Re: Oh...
Funny you should mention the Tails getting the Jet Anklet trick, I just did it today. You can't go to EC using Yarhahar's way without having it...but still, nothing special happens. I was disappointed.
Until I did the Tails in EC trick in my 130 emblem game. I finished EC as Tails (the save said Tails: Completed Emerald Coast), then went to play Sonic's Time Trial a bit. I started with Emerald Coast. Tails wasn't there. I thought: "Oh goodie, the game forgot to load him." Then Windy And Ripply came. No Tails. I have beaten the level, went on to Windy Valley...and my eyes nearly popped out...Tails' wasn't there. I did that level too. Tried other levels. Tails was not to be found anywhere. He wasn't in Final Egg. He wasn't in Lost World.
And he wasn't even in the friggin' Sky Deck! O_o Then I played TT with Tails some more, finished a couple of zones...still no effect. Tails was simply gone from Sonic's game. That could only mean one thing...I can finally made some Light Chao without Tails taking all the wrong animals! Huurah! =)
The thing normalized when I played 3-4 stages with Knuckles...and I couldn't do it again, no matter how hard I tried... O_o
STH Area 51
Updated almost twice once per year century! Yee Haw! Edited by Jan A at: 8/4/00 3:45:41 pm
Registered User
(8/4/00 3:48:49 pm)
Tails outta the way...
Go play Twinkle Park as Sonic and Quit the level while you are in the cart area. Good bye Tails!
Jan A 
Registered User
(8/4/00 4:02:46 pm)
Re: Tails outta the way...
Really? =)
Gosh, that's nice...but it's still weird that you can get rid of Tails by playing EC as him...although it only happened to me once. Boy, wish I could capture a screen of that somehow...
STH Area 51
Updated almost twice once per year century! Yee Haw! |
Registered User
(8/4/00 4:15:24 pm)
Re: Tails outta the way...
eh... can't explain that... and why in the heck was my name different in my previous post? Oh ya... was not on the good Ezboard account. Stupid SonNack, get outta my way!
Registered User
(8/4/00 11:29:20 pm)
How to get tails out of the casino area early
I actually did this! Awhile ago even. What you do is go to the back alley where you normally find the ice stone. Fly up and press against the right corner. After tails tires out, or even before then, his feet should catch on one of the window sills and he can fly again! I figured out that if I could get tails high enough, he could land on top of the tunnel and get out of the evil casino area. You'll need to do this twice to get high enough. Unfortunately, is does nothing special. The game plays the same, except that when you go back to ss after beating windy valley, the ciname plays immedietly.
(8/5/00 12:23:08 pm)
Oh, hey...
Cool, that works. Thanks a lot. ^_^
Registered User
(8/5/00 8:15:48 pm)
Another Trick
Here's another trick....
Download the Sonic in Speed Highway AT&T contest. (USA Only, I belive you can get it from Chaos Emerald's Site)
Begin a new game as sonic. As soon as you get to walk around station square, goto the Speed Highway building to access the contest. As soon as you hit the banner, it should begin to load Speed Highway. Remove your VMU while Speed Highway is loading. (when the zone title is up)
None of the contest stuff will be there, and you can play the level normally!!!
After you complete it, you are sent back to station square in front of city hall. Oh, you can put the memory card back in now. When you try to get back to the train station, the baracde is still there, and your stuck! But Speed Highway is now in your trial list. If you wait till later, when the baracade is removed to do this, the workers are in front of the train station. I belive you can still go in the station and complete the game normally though.
Nik Jam The Man 
THE MAN who got the 1000th Reply/Post!
Posts: 538
(11/24/00 6:48:49 pm)
Re: Another Trick
keeping this up for reference
Scott Prower 
Procrastinator Boy
Posts: 607
(12/16/00 7:01:03 pm)
Re: Another Trick
This topic is in a desperate need of being archived
Posts: 1751
(6/5/01 8:44:59 pm)
Re: 131+ emblems?! O_o
the easiest way to get 131 emblems is to play SAG ^_^

Melee Melee Melee Melee...
Posts: 2147
(6/5/01 10:44:38 pm)
Re: 131+ emblems?! O_o
I considered giving people a second emblem after the credits (like SA does), but skipped on it. ;D
The Ultimate Spriter, Hacker, And Game Maker
Posts: 486
(6/19/01 4:24:50 pm)
Re: 131+ emblems?! O_o
Well oyu can also get extra emblems by beating Casinopolis with E-102 and beating Twinkle Park with E-102 or Knuckles