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        > Hey, you. What are you still doing here?
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Tastes like chicken
(10/1/02 5:44 am)
New Post Hey, you. What are you still doing here?
First of the month. That means more bandwidth for =D

Just thought I'd make a post about it, seeing as how I didn't even remember until I accidentally clicked the logo at the top. :E

Does the light even EXIST any more when the door is closed?

As Anti-PS2 as they come
(10/1/02 6:57 am)
New Post Re: Hey, you. What are you still doing here?
Hm. When I checked an hour ago it wasn't up yet. Ah well.

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Jamie SwiftRunner 
Supreme nuisance and
royal pain in the @$$

(10/1/02 4:25 pm)
New Post Re: Hey, you. What are you still doing here?
Boredom? =B

Shattered Moonlight SM Message Boards

...So... much writing...
(11/2/02 2:39 pm)
New Post Re: Hey, you. What are you still doing here?
Bandwidth wasn't the problem (and I had it doubled anyway, good thing because you guys did go over the initial 8 in October), our new host disabled a function of PHP because of a recent major security flaw found. They're currently looking for alternates, but in the mean time, the disabling bombed our board. I'm going to check with them to make sure that was it, and then e-mail or post on the MB of the people who make our board to see if they have a fix for the matter.

NOT the son of a Knuck!
(11/2/02 2:46 pm)
New Post Re: Hey, you. What are you still doing here?

Did the Moogle notice that topic came from a month ago right before we moved back to MoogleMB after the bandwidth problem in September?

Or am I just gone nuts?

EDIT: Stupid no HTML in sigs...

The Gaim 
Registered User
(11/2/02 3:06 pm)
New Post Re: Hey, you. What are you still doing here?
I hope this isn't an every-other-month thing....

Sz 3 
Who let the sausage put
all you n00 hot pocket base
in you mouth !?!

(11/2/02 3:12 pm)
New Post Re: Hey, you. What are you still doing here?
Ku just didn't look at the month.

And I certainly hope this doesn't become a monthly thing ...


...So... much writing...
(11/2/02 11:37 pm)
New Post Re: Hey, you. What are you still doing here?
The days were the exact same, yeah, I just missed the month was off. It was a bit hard to tell where the new posts stopped and the old ones started. ^_^;

But that... er... explains it to the confused, anyway, so...

Registered User
(11/3/02 4:22 pm)
New Post Re: Hey, you. What are you still doing here?
So when do we get to go back?

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...So... much writing...
(11/3/02 5:26 pm)
New Post Re: Hey, you. What are you still doing here?
*Shrugs* When we can? It'll be a few days probably before I can get this sorted out. I'll way when, but that's the best I can do. It's not like I WANT to keep you guys here...

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