Yes, that's right! Some websites have movies, some have MP3s, but the Moogle Cavern will be celebrating the American release of Sonic Adventure with:

Sonic Adventure Butts

You won't find this on Secrets of Sonic the Hedgehog! Simon Wai's Sonic 2 Beta page has been left out in the cold. Sonic Stuff Research Group? HA! Don't make me laugh. No website has more throroughly researched the subject of SA Hinies than this one, and don't you forget it!

Sonic the Hedgehog
A hidden pose by Sonic during his win animationSonic posing during a snowboard jump
Sonic was confused at first by our request, but once he learned of the exclusive it would give to the Moogle Cavern, he immediately rushed this first pose into his Win animation. In the second shot, Sonic felt sorry for not making the first pose long enough to be viewed by most, so he decided to add an extended pose during the ultra-risky snowboarding scene! That wacky Sonic!

Miles "Tails" Prower
Tails' namesake is positioned very closely to his butt, so people spend a lot of time looking at it when playing as him.
Tails was not as quick to jump on to the bandwagon, but we made sure to point out to him how his tails were a usual focal point, and, coupled with the difficulty of some levels, some people might be spending literally hours staring at Tails' butt as they try to get through Sky Deck or Speed Highway. Still, he wanted only a sideways "modest" pose.

Knuckles the Echidna
What, you think he digs with his knuckles?
We had trouble getting Knuckles' attention at the time, but we did manage to capture this action shot. Knuckles was mad at Sonic at the time, so much so that his rear started glowing a blinding bright red. The force from his bum was so great Sonic actually had to leap away.

Big the Cat
OH! _That's_ why the call him that name. (Don't read TOO much into that joke. }:P)
Big shows off _his_ namesake in this clear shot. 'Nuff said. (Actually, probably too much said, but you get the idea.)

E-102 Gamma
Group shot!
Aw! E-102 Gamma was in a giving mood at the time, so he actually called his friends over for a group shot! (Actually, this is a beta shot.)

Dr. Robotnik/Eggman
He poses atop the Egg Carrier, showing off his bum to all of the world.
Eggman/Dr. Robotnik was a bit shy about his weight when approached with the camera, and would only allow a side shot. Fair enough, he IS an evil genius, after all.

Amy Rose
Perhaps I should make an animated GIF of her turning the switch...Robotnik's view from the EC?
Yes, Amy decided to pose for TWO seperate shots in this- *THUMP* Oh, excuse me. I think Andy V'ner just passed out. (J/K)

Well, that's it for this installment! Check back next time when we'll have bum shots of Tikal, all of the transformations of Chaos, and even a sound clip of Sonic saying, "Haul butt"!

(Note: For the comedically challenged, this was a poor attempt at a joke in bad taste. Please do not take offense at it. Remember, you've been playing action games for years, how long have you been staring at Mario's butt in Super Mario 64 alone? And I mean, c'mon, he even has a "Butt Slam"! They knew what sold the games when they made them!)

Last Updated: 10/30/99 (Edit 5/16/01: Check out the sidebar filename for an added bonus!)

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