Featured Hoaxes

What's this section about?
Basically, this is a page to display some of, what I thought, were more noteworthy hoaxes submitted to myself. A sort of "Top Ten" if you will (although the number varies ^_^).

Who's eligable?
Anyone who's every submitted a hoax, that includes myself. However, I realize I am obviously favored a little toward myself, so I'll keep selections to a minimum. I won't use this section to 'advertise' my latest hoax.

Why didn't you pick my hoax(es)?
Sorry, I like most of the hoaxes here, but it would be pointless just to relist them all. These are a select few I really enjoyed, but remember, it's solely my opinion, I'm not saying a hoax is bad just because I didn't pick it.

And now, on with the list! This edition will be special, 42 hoaxes, if my count is correct, because I'll be covering all of the old hoaxes as well. This section will be split up into ten hoaxes a page.

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Oh, right, like you couldn't have guessed this was going to be in here. o_o
Author:Knux5's SpriteKnux5Date: 3/21/99
Why it won:
It's Metal Sonic. It's Doomsday Zone. It's correct counters. It's well-applied character interacting with the environment. Becoming clear? ;)
Took me a while to stop laughing at this one...
Author: WheezerxDate: 3/18/99
Why it won:
C'mon, you can't tell why it's here? ;> The dress and expression of Eggman's is just hilarious, and it's simply a great hoax. And you have to admit, it'd never been done before... ^_^
So this is where AoStH got its coloring scheme from...
Author: WheezerxDate: 3/14/99
Why it won:
As I've said before, I like Wheezerx's sense of humor, and the amount of effort he puts into redrawing some of the characters. Sure, he may forget a Sonic counter here and there, but big deal. Just ignore 'em and look at the central point of the hoax, and then laugh your head off. In this one, Robotnik gives Grounder and Silver Sonic an AoStH makeover. The coloring probably took quite a bit of work.
GG Sonic gets ambitious!
Author: Andy's SpriteAndy V'nerDate: 3/14/99
Why it won:
Andy managed to crack into Game Gear hoaxing fairly early. This is one of my favorites, a very recognizable version of Doomsday Zone for Triple Trouble. Other versions have popped up since then, but I believe this was the first. If not, ne, it's still a great hoax.
Of course, Eggrobo had to be trimmed down a bit...
Author: WheezerxDate: 3/9/99
Why it won:
An early, but great, hoax by Wheezerx. Dr. R just gives the plane a fresh coat of paint, crams Eggrobo into the cockpit, and off they go! He even redid the lives icon in a similar style. Great job, IMHO.
Hm...y'know...a third set of counters would fit in there nicely...
Author: Kulock's SpriteKulockDate: 3/9/99
Why it won:
Gotta admit, how many have you seen like this? Partially inspired by Kirby's Adventure, although mostly from just sprite hunting, Sonic and Knuckles go into "Shooter Mode" against S3 Marble Zone's Robotnik. I got tired of seeing Knuckles gliding and Super Sonic every time they were "flying", and I thought these "sprites" were much more reminiscant of some other shooting games. ^_^ Plus, I had fun with it (except for the %#_$ counters being hard to clip out).
There's a bit of irony here...
Author: Knux5's SpriteKnux5Date: 3/9/99
Why it won:
This hoax has a double meaning. Sure, it was a "Knuckles in Sonic 1" hoax, but it was also a joking reference to a rumor about the supposed Sonic 1 and Knuckles lock-on. The rumor basically went that Sonic & Knuckles was originally designed to work with Sonic 1, but that the game crashed when Knuckles glided onto the Scrap Brain conveyor belts (a rumor with some merit, go down to one of Simon Wai's "Featured Hoaxes", then come back up here, and think about it.).
Ha Ha! Knuckles can't traverse these, but I can!
Author: Simon WaiDate: 3/5/99
Why it won:
Another beta picture recreation by Simon, the Clockwork Zone continued with the curiously slanted conveyor belts. Also he remembered to use "RING", not "RINGS" like some S1 recreations.
C'mon, we have to add the silly hoaxes, don't we? ^_^
Author: Simon WaiDate: 3/3/99
Why it won:
*G* C'mon, can't you tell why? I like it when a hoax doesn't take itself too seriously (barring one or two exceptions), and the whole situation's humorous. ^_^ The characters interact well.
Yes, this should look familiar...
Author: Simon WaiDate: 2/15/99
Why it won:
This is the blasted hoax that got the idea in me noggin to do the animated GIF version later. ;> It's a good hoax by itself, with Sonic's and the beam's color interacting well.
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Last Updated: 7/10/99

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