Knux5's SpriteKnux5's Hoaxes
Page 13

I really want to make a SA-related comment, but for sake of spoiler, I won't.COMING SOON7/27/99
Knuckles, apparently cutting out the engine of the Wing Fortress after gliding through the exhaust (BurntKnuckles.gif), visits the Good Future of Wing Fortress, to see the ship crashed into the ocean. Very good job by Knuckles5 on a recognizable zone variance.
When I saw Tails' plane flying up at first, I got a little worried at Knux5's direction. X_xCOMING SOON8/30/99
(AniGIF) Knux5's first AniGIF, and not bad. There's some "jittering" in character positions, but otherwise fluid. Sonic basically has all sorts of bad luck on the Wing Fortress. ^_^
Bubsy Won! Aren't you so proud of him?COMING SOON9/18/99
(AniGIF) Bubsy does a victory dance.
Who's behind the mask? Why, it's the Old Man Peterson of the Abandoned Amusement Park!COMING SOON9/18/99
A more accurate Knuckles in Sonic 2?
Hidden Palace. Bonk. Hoax.COMING SOON9/18/99
Bonk in the Hidden Palace. Seems kind of right.
You can't seeee m- *BLAM* Oops, you could see the gloves though...COMING SOON9/18/99
Actually, this hoax was harder than you think, Knux5 had to redraw a lot of parts usually hidden by Sonic's body in this sprite.
Bet that smarted, getting the large noggin mounted on a smaller robot frame...COMING SOON9/18/99
S,T, & K, all on Mega Man X3 bodies.
The Checkered Ball left for better things, like being a trap in Green Hill...COMING SOON9/18/99
Robotnik... has a new wrecking ball. I don't know where Knux5 got it from. It's just there. *G*
Cool, since when could I do that?COMING SOON9/18/99
Ladies and Gentlemen: What happens if you nag me about hoaxes. (J/K!)
A little more to the left, a little mo- No! Not on top of m- *WHAM!*COMING SOON9/18/99
Robotnik was a bit behind that day... (no weight jokes, I swear...)

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Last Updated: 1/27/00

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