Scott Prower's SpriteScott Prower's Hoaxes
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Knuckles has already been electrocuted before, what's a huge emerald gonna do to him? ;)COMING SOON8/7/99
Tails couldn't quite carry all the weight of the Emerald in the S2 HPZ...whoops... slight bit of error on the top of the emerald, and one or two slight coloration fallacies, but otherwise good. ^_^
Tails is god, so he gets to be brighter than the rest.COMING SOON8/7/99
Robotnik's Egg-o-matic gets weighed down as everyone grabs for the emerald. The original Sonic sprite (that one was not just a grab and clip out, it was comprised of several poses) if very good, but Tails is so bright compared to the rest... SOON8/7/99
Heh, I don't remember seeing this score tally when beating Green Hill. ^_^
Again, the Tails god thing comes into play...COMING SOON8/7/99
Tails (who is unfortunately extremely white, compared to the rest of the hoax), gets tired of Sonic running ahead and gives him what-for. Cute touch: Sonic's lives reads "0". But quite a bit less than Hoof Arted.gif.COMING SOON8/7/99
Win Poses+Sick Mind= "PULL MY FINGER!"
Not quite the Game Over screen I remember...COMING SOON8/7/99
Robotnik wins. Pretty self-explanatory. ^_^ Not quite as much as Hoof Arted.gif, though...COMING SOON8/7/99
Whoopie! It's Whoopi! ...*ponders what he said* You all may beat me severely for that pun. Anyway, this hoax itself is a horrendous pun, which means I love it. ;> Good job.
It just seems right. O_o In a strange sort of way...COMING SOON8/17/99
Austin Prowers: Internation Fox of Forgery! A very funny hoax, if I may say. ^_^
Well, he didn't go to six years of Evil Medical School to be called 'Mr. Eggman', did he?COMING SOON8/17/99
(AniGIF) Austin Prowers chases Dr. Evil (Eggman) to his Cryo freezing chamber. ^_^ Very cute. (You might have to load this and future aniGIFs in a seperate window to see them run at full speed).
I've already run out of Austin Powers jokes. I'll just sit here and hum now.COMING SOON8/17/99
(AniGIF) Austin Prowers escapes Dr. Evil (Eggman)'s base, ala the end of Austin Powers 1. A few "twitches" (position errors), but not much at all. Extremely good, IMHO. ^_^

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Last Updated: 9/15/99

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