Scott Prower's SpriteScott Prower's Hoaxes
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This might look a little familiar...COMING SOON8/30/99
A beta of Knuckles Chaotix? Scott Prower tells me (and I remember seeing it beforehand) that the Mighty sprite, although very good, and I'm sure he'd like credit for it, was created by Johan Leion. Still, good application. ^_^
You'd think he'd know where the traps were...COMING SOON8/30/99
Mecha Sonic continues through Mushroom Hill, accidentally running into spikes and losing his rings.
If I let the AniGIF sit long enough, will he get tired?COMING SOON8/30/99
(AniGIF) "I have now learned the value of self-insertion..."
New Tails! Now with Pants(tm)!COMING SOON8/30/99
"...and I choose to exploit it." ;> Har har, very cute.
Knuckles leaps too soon and gets a concussion?COMING SOON9/4/99
Another Sonic outtake, Knuckles' trap door remains locked. ^_^
Scott looks just a LITTLE too happy about it...COMING SOON9/4/99
Old joke, new twist. ^_^ Sonic's hands cover up his nak- wait a second, he doesn't wear clothing beside the shoes and gloves anyway!
And you will shrink to Game Gear size, too!COMING SOON9/4/99
(AniGIF) Don't smoke, kiddies?
*Gasp*COMING SOON9/5/99
Knuckles shows his true feelings about Robotnik when he steals the Master Emerald. If you can handle it, there's an uncensored version here, if you dare... (Then again, many hoaxes opening say "Hell"... O_o)
*Cackle*COMING SOON9/5/99
HERE'S a Knuckles trap that should've made it into Sonic 3. :D Very funny, thanks!
So the playground is built on a dangerous desert...COMING SOON9/5/99
Knuckles could never leap, anyway. ^_^ (Well, until Knuckles Chaotix, and any game afterward, actually.) Note the diaper on Tails.

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Last Updated: 9/15/99

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