Son-Sonic's SpriteSon-Sonic's Hoaxes
Page 3

Uhmn, yes.COMING SOON10/2/99
This one doesn't even have a title, really. He just lost "you are arm".
Darn! So close!COMING SOON10/2/99
"Sonic CD in Sonic Adventure". I liked the idea of this one a _LOT_, unfortunately, the clipping is noticable. A shame, it was a great idea, and a good screenshot to do it with.
'Hi.' 'Hi.' 'Kulock, didn't you use this joke already?' 'Shaddup, I'm almost done with this update.'COMING SOON10/2/99
Son-Sonic meets Son-Goku.
I'll be honest, I did shrink it, and it still doesn't look good at _ANY_ size.COMING SOON10/2/99
Meh. You can read. ;> Or make sense of it just as much as I can.
Spiffy effects...COMING SOON10/2/99
"songokusonsonicseewhocouldwin27.gif" is the filename. It pretty much tells the story, too. ^_^
It's Hammer Time!COMING SOON10/2/99
Son-Sonic joins the Wrecking Crew.
Don't jump! The seagulls won't bring you a bandana this time!COMING SOON10/2/99
"Son-Sonic on (Another) Cliff". Er... isn't that the cliff Celes jumped off of...? Uh oh... get the trampoline ready... O_o

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Last Updated: 1/27/00

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