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Intranet Deployments


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Intranet Data Sheet (pdf)
The ROI Case for Intranet Search (pdf)
Enterprise Search White Paper (pdf)

Customer Quote
“The number of searches conducted daily has gone up eight- to tenfold...Our employees are inspired to use our intranet search when they hear it's powered by Google. They love Google because it helps them to be more productive."
Bill Corley
Manager of Intranet Technology
National Semiconductor

Remaining competitive in a challenging business environment requires providing your employees with fast, accurate access to critical company content. Many companies have spent a great deal of time and effort implementing complex knowledge management solutions, with little to no positive results. Many of these million-dollar IT investments have not yielded a desirable return on investment because they require employees to fundamentally change the way they do their jobs. You need a way to effectively unlock the enormous value in your intranet without having to make another large IT purchase.

We have the solution.

Simply add the Google Search Appliance to your intranet and start seeing the same fast, accurate search results that you've come to expect on The Google Search Appliance is a hardware and software package that requires no additional resources to deploy, no user training, and can be up and crawling your content in just a few hours. Contact us today for an online demo, and see how the Google Search Appliance can improve your business.

Read how customers are using the Google Search Appliance on their intranets:

Kaiser Permanente Case Study
Medtronic Case Study
National Semiconductor Case Study
Nextel Case Study
The World Bank Case Study
Xerox Case Study

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