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Guidelines for Third Party Use of Google's Trademarks

Trademarks are important business assets that can diminish in value if they are not used correctly. This guide provides some basic information about trademarks and offers specifics on how to properly use the trademarks that belong to Google.

If you are a licensee, please refer to your agreement with Google for any additional requirements.

Trademark Basics

What is a trademark?

A trademark is a word, name, symbol or device (or a combination thereof) that identifies the goods or services of a person or company and distinguishes them from the goods and services of others. A trademark assures consumers of consistent quality with respect to those goods or services and aids in their promotion.

Why is it important to use marks correctly?

Rights to a trademark can last indefinitely if the owner continues to use the mark to identify its goods and services. If trademarks are not used properly, they may be lost and one of the company's most important assets may lose all of its value. Rights may be lost not only because of a trademark owner's improper use of the mark, but through improper use of the trademark by the public.

Rules for Proper Trademark Usage:

  • Distinguish the trademark from the surrounding text in some way. Capitalize the first letter, CAPITALIZE or italicize the entire mark, place the mark in quotes, use a different type style or font for the mark than for the generic name.
  • Use the trademark ONLY as an adjective, NEVER as a noun or verb, and NEVER in the plural or possessive form.
  • Use a generic term following the mark, for example: GOOGLE search engine, Google search, GOOGLE web search.
  • NEVER modify a mark, for example, through hyphenation, combination or abbreviation, such as: Googliscious, Googlyoogly, GaGooglemania
  • Normally, an unregistered mark should be followed by the superscripted letters TM or SM to give notice that the company claims trademark rights in the term. A registered trademark should be followed by the symbol ® to identify the term as a registered trademark. In advertising copy, notice of trademark rights may be provided in a footnote format – e.g., by placing an asterisk adjacent to the mark and placing an appropriate notice at the bottom of the page on which the asterisk appears. Example: *GOOGLE is a trademark of Google Inc.
  • Trademark rights vary from country to country. Some countries have severe criminal and civil penalties for improper use of the registration symbol. Therefore, do not use the registration symbol (®) in countries where the mark has not been registered.

Using Google's Trademarks

You may use the Google trademarks to refer to Google's products and services, so long as the references are truthful, fair and not misleading, and only where your use complies with the following guidelines:

  • Follow the Rules for Proper Trademark Usage
  • Use the appropriate trademark symbol and acknowledgement of Google's ownership of the marks (e.g., Google™ is a trademark of Google Inc.)
  • Do not incorporate Google trademarks or logos into your own product name, service names, trademarks, logos, or company names
  • Do not adopt marks or logos that are confusingly similar to Google's marks and logos
  • Do not use Google's trademarks or logos in a manner that would disparage Google or its products or services.
  • Use only Google-approved artwork when using Google's logos. Do not make any changes or modifications to the logos.
  • If you are using a Google logo on a web page, there must exist a minimum spacing of 25 pixels between each side of the logo and other graphic or textual elements on the web page.
  • If there is any question about usage, requests for clarification or permission may be submitted through the process outlined at: http://www.google.com/permissions/

Google Trademarks and Acceptable Generic Terms


  • Google™ search
  • Google™ search engine
  • Google™ search appliance
  • Google™ search services
  • Google™ advertising programs
  • Google Image Search™ search service
  • Google Groups™ Usenet discussion forums
  • Google News™ news service
  • Google News™ news search
  • Google News™ information service
  • Google Catalogs™ catalog search
  • Google Answers™ research service
  • Google Store™ online store
  • Google Store™ retail web site
  • Google Store™ online market
  • Google Directory™ web directory
  • Google Toolbar™ search bar
  • Google SafeSearch™ filtering
  • Froogle™ product search
  • PageRank™ algorithm
  • PageRank™ search technology
  • I'm Feeling Lucky™ search service
  • I'm Feeling Lucky™ instant search
  • I'm Feeling Lucky™ direct search
  • AdWords™ advertising program
  • AdSense™ advertising program
  • Blogger™ web log
  • Blog*Spot™ hosting service


  • It's All About Results™
  • – slogan used in connection with Google's advertising programs

Special Requirements for Use of Logos

Google's logos may be used only by permission. Please see http://www.google.com/permissions/ for information and a permission request form.